Seventeen: sleeping beauty

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End of November

It was Sunday morning when Liam decided to go on a jog to clear his head, he defintely needed it. Because Theo told him to shut the hell up and stop being a psycho, since he starting running on the spot in their room at the ripe time of 7am. So Theo kicked him out, and now he's jogging through the college campus.

He spots Brett, Josh and Gabe all clumped up together. Muttering amongst themselves so he puts his head down to go unnoticed, he's on edge since the mall, how he was chased down by unknown. Who was carrying a knife, he wasn't afraid that he'd be caught by the security guards and arrested for breaking in.

He had bigger worries.

And he didn't know who he could trust, he had suspicions about Josh, Gabe and Brett. Especially Brett, after learning that they are in a gang, Josh seems unhinged and like he'd do that. And Brett... Well he dated Brett, he could definitely see Brett being unknown.

He couldn't really say much about Gabe since he doesn't actually know him, just that he hangs out with the other two. And they are all apparently in a gang.

After an hour or so of running he stumbles into the college gym. Seeking the boxing club, he notices Theo is there and he watches him fight from the distance.

He's pretty quick and agile, he can get in a few good hits here and there. Even with bigger competition, it was like nothing else mattered when he was throwing punches and dodging hits. Just like when he reads words upon a page.

Liam walks over to his friend and holds onto the side of the boxing ring, resting his arms on the fencing around it. "Reaken" he calls out and Theo glances at him and then back to his competion quickly, hitting him square in the face so the guy falls to the ground and Liam's eyes widen.

He needs to learn that move.

Liam steps in the ring and Theo looks annoyed, "the hell are you doing Dunbar, get out" he nods to the door but Liam ignores him. Going to the guy who's on the floor and demanding for his gloves.

"Weirdo" the guy says, giving Liam the gloves as he stands up to leave and Liam smiles back widely.

Theo huffs and shakes his head, "Liam" he grits out and the younger turns to him.

"What!?" He yells out and Theo gives him a look, displeased that Liam shouted at him.

"What are you doing here, get lost" Liam gasps at that- offended. Before he clumsily puts on his boxing gloves and does a weird stance, as if he's going to run at something. He puts his fists up, squaring up and defending his face.

"No I'm here to box, anyone is allowed to box here aren't they?" Theo rolls his eyes at that.

"Yeah well you've still got to pay" he says and Liam snorts, "do you like work here, are you a boxing teacher or something?" He questions but Theo doesn't answer so he starts to grin, "oh my god, you so are. Is that why you hate me being here, because you work here and you don't want to see me at the dorm, around college and your work place too" he rambles on finding humor in this but Theo doesn't looked amused.

Instead he huffs. "What are you doing here?" His patience clearly running thin. Liam shrugs at that.

"Good question" he starts. What is he doing here? He feels as though he has to be here, as though he has to fight back- or at least try to. "I'm here because the other day at the mall I was out of breath when we ran from security guards who were quite literally eating donuts as they were chasing us." He puts it simply, "I want to be faster."

Theo tilts his head at him and looks to him as if he just said something bizarre and unrealistic, "and you think boxing will help that?" He questions and Liam shrugs one shoulder, still in a strange position.

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