Twenty five: tragic and mysterious

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I don't normally do warnings but in this chapter there's attempted SA and brief mention of past SA (?) So read with caution!!

"So Theo hasn't showed up" Mason points out, looking around the college as they sit on their trusted table. Nolan perks up and glances around but he gives up looking shortly after and goes back to wolfing his food down. Corey pays no attention to them as he continues working on his homework. Mason helping him every so often.

"No" Liam says, not bothering to look around himself. Because why would he care?

He doesn't. That's what he tells himself.

He also tells himself that he is the worst liar because yes, yes he does care.

"I heard he's staying at Issac's" Nolan says around a mouthful of food and Corey raises his brow.

"Why isn't he at your dorm anymore, did you two fall out again?" The three exchange glances because Corey doesn't know, and he will never know. Because Mason is making sure his boyfriend stays out of this mess, his sister was already hurt, Mason couldn't handle it if Corey was too.

"And Alec's" Mason says ignoring Corey and they all turn to him with raised brows, he shrugs. "He's probably sharing his bed with him" Nolan elbows him in the stomach and he looks confused untill he spares a glance at Liam. "I- uh, I mean- you know, they've shared beds before" he stumbles on his words and Liam rolls his eyes.

"Whatever, I don't care if they're sharing beds, I don't care if they have a thing going on. I don't care if they're having sex, Theo's not my problem, he never was" they sit in silence until Corey breaks it with a whistle.

"You two definitely fell out then" Liam gives him a hard look and Mason shakes his head, grabbing Corey's book and shoving it in his face. "Just continue your work sweetie, men are talking" Corey glares at his boyfriend before snatching his book and leaving the table.

Mason turns back to Liam and leans in, "I'm sorry Liam, but I heard from Gwen who heard from Hayden who heard from Tracy who heard from Issac who heard from-"

"Get to the point!" Liam shouts out and Mason startles.

"I was!" He defends himself and Nolan shakes his head, "anyway, the rumor is that them two- Alec and Theo have been sleeping together." Liam's hands tighten around his fork at that, he feels his breath escape him and he bites his tongue to not scream out in rage.

"Okay" he says in a shaky voice. "Okay, whatever" he plays it off smoothly, but really his friends can tell. Liam likes Theo, he has for a while now, but the timing was never right. Mason thinks they would have been good together, they'd tear each other apart but they'd be good for one another.

They ground each other, that's what they need. But the timing is always off, there is always something/someone getting in the way.

"Whatever" Liam shrugs and Mason nods with careful eyes trained on Liam, "he can fuck who he wants, so can I" he says squinting his eyes and looking around until he settles on a girl with long black shiny hair and a tight skirt.

Nolan snaps a finger in front of his face, "what?" He questions his friend.

"We need to plan what we're going to do" he says and Mason nods agreeing. "We need to trap Brett and Josh, we need proof of what they've been doing" Liam's eyes are still trained on the girl.

"Okay, we'll set up a plan then. We know where their dorm rooms are and we know the code to get in, we'll snoop around then we'll plan" Mason nods at that.

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