Thirty one: need you like air

532 21 65

(24 days before)

Warning- suicide attempt, sexual harassment/assault?, violence and (past) self harm

The pair sat at the skate park, it was late at night and they wanted a break from the scenery of their dorm room.

They hadn't heard from the unknowns which made them and the others walk on egg shells for what is to inevitably come. Since they smashed up Brett's car. Liam was confused about what he saw in the car next to the man- who he saw. But he pushed it away in his mind, because the car windows were smudged.

And he was running, everything was a blur. Nothing was as it seemed.

"You alright?" Theo kicks at Liam a little too hard and so he retailiates, kicking him back at full force. Theo gives him an unimpressed look as he rubs his knee.

"Yes love" Liam scoffs and Theo rolls his eyes, he stands up finishing his drink and tossing it in a trash. Clearly annoyed that Liam is shutting him out, Liam grabs his fingers and pulls him to a stop. "Where are you going?" He questions in a small voice.

Not wanting Theo to leave him, truth is Theo's behaviour has been rocky since Alec's passing. Liam understands why, but sometimes it annoys him when Theo is present in their relationship then switches to being distant in an instant.

It's iritiating and not fair.

"Liam let go, I'm going going to the toilet" he huffs and Liam lets him go. When he leaves Liam sighs and rests his cheek against his hand, sipping his own drink they both got at the vending machines before coming to the park.

It was dark but he could handle being alone, he wasn't afraid of the dark. And anyway there were a few people hanging about, some kids on skate boards showing off their tricks. Liam winces as a young boy falls of his board and scrapes his knee, his friend helps him up and they act like nothing happened.

Liams senses sharpen as he feels a presence behind him, turning around a guy is there. "Hi?" He questions uncertain and the dude smiles politely with a charming smile before sitting next to him on the bench, taking over Theo's spot.

"Hi, I've seen you around here a lot. Do you like to skate?" Liam snorts at that because no, no he doesn't.

"I'm terrible at it, I mean I've tried it a few times- nearly died" he chuckles to himself and the guy grins. Hanging of Liam's every word.

"Well maybe I could teach you a trick or two" he says and leans in, Liam awkwardly nods and glances around for his boyfriend.

"Yeah maybe" he forces a laugh and turns away from the guy who's now making him feel uncomfortable, sitting a bit too close for his liking.

The guy scoots even closer to Liam's annoyance and he feels his nails dig into his palms, "no I'm serious, I have a board I could show you something" Liam goes to decline but the guy is having none of it, "come on don't be a wuss" he snorts and takes hold of Liam's hand which shocks him. He drags the boy up with ease causing Liam to nearly stumble.

"Um-" he says unsure of what to do as the guy leads him to his board which isn't too far away.

"Okay, stand on it like this" the boy shows him how to stand on the board correctly but Liam doesn't budge, instead looking around- waiting for Theo. And cursing the lad for ever leaving him, "here look I'll show you on the ground" the guy smiles and walks behind Liam, soon his hands slip on his hips, a steady and tight grip.

Liam's eyes shoot wide open as the guy moves closer, his front against Liam's back and he pulls a face when he feels something... hard against him.

"Actually I have to-" he tries to worm his way out but the guy's grip is getting painfully tighter by the minute. "Seriously-" the man laughs, cutting him off.

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