Two: water under the bridge

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Liam didn't sleep well his first night in a new college, he couldn't sleep for so long until he finally passed out from being over tired. His nameless roommate didn't come back to sleep in his bed the first night of Liam being there. He didn't know whether it was because of him or not, he hasn't even seen him since they met.

Yesterday after signing his name at the bridge, the four of them went to a little milkshake store next to the college. Mason, Corey and Liam caught up with each other on all the things they missed and this Nolan guy came out of his shell a little.

He was actually fun to chat with, Liam thought so anyway. He said he was only acting cold because he didn't approve of letting someome join their gang so quick before getting to know them, Liam understood that.

Turns out Nolan's on the lacrosse team, Mason told Nolan how Liam wants to join. Though Liam hadn't thought that far ahead; everytime he's on lacrosse something bad happens. The incident in last college was from lacrosse guys, the time before that... well.

Liam lost his anger in high school one time after he was given a red card, he trashed his coach's car after the school day ended. He had to leave that school, he relaises he's been kicked out an awful lot of schools.

Snapping out of being deep inside his own mind he starts to get ready for the day. Luckily he didn't join in the middle of the year, just the start of the second year so he has a few weeks before classes start up.

Today he has to meet up with the guidance counsellor.

After hurting someone so bad that he put them in hospital the principal of his last college said that he needed to be watched. He advised that Liam should see someone in his new college to have someone to talk to.

His mom agreed right away, she was happy that Liam didn't get into too much trouble. A light kick out of college and a restraining order set against him by the guy's parents.

They went to the doctor straight after the meeting with the head of college, and that's where the doctor upped his dosage. But at least he wasn't arrested, that's the upside.

He doesn't mind his medicine being upped, he just sometimes feels too sluggish. Another reason why he's debating on joining the lacrosse team, but today in his meeting with the guidance counseller he has to decide. It stated that every student must join a club, for reasons unknown to him. Maybe so the students have some sort of a social life and not just stay in bed as soon as classes end.

"I'm going there now, I'll meet you after yeah?" He says his goodbyes to Mason on the phone and heads off to the guidance counsellor.

Her name is Marlowe and she seems nice, but Liam doesn't talk. He doesn't have anything to say, not in this exact moment so he simply doesn't talk. Instead he wastes the hour until the clock hits 10am, then he gets up and grabs his bag. He turns around when Marlowe speaks, "so, have you decided on lacrosse yet?" She questions, crossing her dark toned leg over the other one.

He taps on the door as he thinks over his answer, really the last hour he has been questioning if he should join or not. He looks to her and nods, "yeah, why not" he shrugs and leaves. Going to meet Mason and the others at the bridge, he's suprised she didn't try and push him to talk.

The first fifteen or so minutes was her talking his ear off, asking how he feels after the incident if he regrets it or not, which he does not. How he feels about joining a new college, how he felt when he saw his mom the first time after it happened and how he feels about being put on a higher dosage.

He said nothing because he had no answers at that time, the one thing he did say was "ask me again later" because maybe later he will have the answers.

He arrives at the bridge and takes a seat on them shitty little camping chairs with holes in them from being eaten away at by bugs. Nolan tosses him a can of beer and he happily drinks away, carful not to drink too much or it will mess with his mind, his medication.

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