Epilogue/thanks: dust to dust

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Start of August (57 days after)

Theo's POV:

It was a warm day, Theo felt like he hadn't woke from his nightmere of hell last night. One where all the people who had died in his life haunted him as he slept, starting from his father and sister ending with Alec- it was like his own personal hell. And it felt like the fire from the dephs of hell followed him into the outside world with this weather they were having, either way he grabbed his hoodie and shoved it on.

He left the room with his head down, jogged down the stairs nodding to the landlord when he passed the old man. When he got into his car he put his hood down and sighed, staring at his fingers that were trembling. He looks at himself in the mirror and thinks back to that night. That one dreadful night.

"Please bring him back, please" Liam had begged and begged, and all Theo could do was sit there like an idiot, hugging him. If he had only seen this sooner, if he hadn't of dragged them to the unit- there were so many ifs. He should have gone alone, maybe Mason would still be-

"Woah!" He yells out as he has to swerve the car a bit, to not hit a fox running out into the middle of the road. He shakes his head and drives faster, wanting to get there quicker.

When he arrives he parks the car messily, grabs a ciggerete and pops it in his mouth while he gets out of the car. He lights it up and grabs his phone from his pocket, texting that he has arrived.

He takes a deep breath in and thinks back to what happened after.

Liam had been screaming and crying over his friend, Theo had been trying to drag him off him with Corey's help. Corey was a mess himself, they all were, but they knew that they all had to get out of there. The police were coming any minute.

When they did Theo took Liam's phone because he knew he had been recording everything, he gave it to the police as evidence and watched them take Corey and a shocked Liam into an ambulance to be looked at.

Theo had to tell the police his side of the story, he had shot Josh in the leg right after Josh shot his own gun. No where damaging, but the police believed them after all the evidence and what happened back at the college. How could they not?

Theo snaps out of it as he notices a manic shadow running around in the top window, he shakes his head and takes another drag. He's probably looking for his phone, always forgetting something that boy.

Josh was carted away in hand cuffs and a police car, was sent to jail after the evidence was checked. How many years for? Theo couldn't say, he left as soon as he knew Josh was getting the punishment he deserved. The college stayed closed for the remaining of the year, after what happened to the counseller and- and Alex.

Theo flicks the cig to the ground just as the door opens and a woman stands there staring, slightly glaring at him. He crosses his arms and smiles widly, giving a small wave to the mom.

She soon turns around to shout a name and when she does, "bitch" Theo says to himself. Confident that she didn't hear as he's parked away from the house on the other side of the road. But he swears she turns around as quick as light and scowls at him, he ignores her to look at the figure running out of the house. Tripping over himself as he does.

His mom screaming at him to remember the things he needs, and if he has everything.

Theo smiles down at the boy, his little thorn, his love. "Hey baby" he cups Liam's cheeks and bends down to give him the softest kiss, he feels Liam's eyes close and his lashes flutter against him. He sighs in comfort of finally being near his boyfriend after so many weeks, "I've missed you."

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