Eleven: civil

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It was peculiar, it was ludicrous, it was preposterous, and it was even stranger that Liam knew all of these words. But it was the best way to describe the situation he was in.

He and Theo were being civil?

They still pulled small petty pranks on one another, but they'd just waft it away like it didn't matter. They wouldn't fight when they were in the room together, and they could go more than ten minutes without calling the other a name.

It was progress.

Most of the time it was awkward silences in their room. Unless one had something to say, which was always Liam.

"Do you want to know how many deaths come from weed?" Liam asked in their room one day after his incident of getting high. He still hasn't let Nolan off the hook for that, or Mason for not warning him soon enough.

Theo groans, "not this again" he mutters to himself but Liam has 'supernatural like hearing' (words from Theo) so he heard it. He sits up and puts his laptop in his lap, reading Google.

"Yes this again, you said it was fine but here it said that twenty five people died since 2017. Twenty five of the people!" He looks to Theo who dramatically rolls his eyes, Liam noticed this about Theo. He's quite dramatic, even though that is hyproctritical for Liam so say but Theo definitely is.

"You know you suprisingly have a flair for the dramatics for someone who is in a gang" Theo looks to him with a hard expression, yet somehow not really conveying any emotion. Just staring at him to intimidate Liam.

Liam rolls his eyes and puts his hands up in surrender, "right forgot, you're 'not' in a gang." He says and uses air quotes to which Theo rolls his eyes at, he goes back to reading and Liam huffs. He's also noticed that Theo isn't a very bubbly person like himself. He's not shy but he certainly doesn't like people- or talk much for that matter.

Liam drops down on his pillow, "it says here it 'may impair your brain', I could have been brain dead because of Mason." He shakes his head disapprovingly and soon he lets out a yelp when his lap top is being harshly shut. He pulls his fingers away just in time and looks up with an annoyed look.

"Hey! Why did you do that?" He questions pointedly to Theo who has his laptop tucked under his arm.

"Because you're pissing me off, do you ever shut up?" He says gruffly, storming into his closet he hides Liam's laptop who sits up and watches him unimpressed.

"You know I can still see it right?" He says, pointing to a hoodie that is draped over it in right in his vision. Theo shakes his head and slams the door to the closet shut, "okay well I can't now" Liam mutters to himself and falls back against his pillow.

He and Theo aren't like they once were, and it's... strange.

It's been a couple weeks since Theo found him at the bus top, they have talked a bit. Not full in depth conversations but enough to call it talking, they haven't fought like they were doing. Of course they bicker and annoy the hell out of each other, but they haven't actually resorted to fist fights yet.

Getting high had somehow brought them closer, or to be civil with one another. Liam wouldn't say they're friends, he cringes at the thought. But he wouldn't exactly call them enemies anymore either, yeah Liam still thinks Theo is annoying and rude, especially when he does things like that; stealing his laptop.

But it wasn't like before, it's as if something changed and he's looking at things from a different perspective. Maybe Theo isn't all that bad, like so many of Theo's friends have said.


Liam went on a run and decided to stop by the lockers rooms, he opened his locker and grabbed Theo's jacket. He decided he wants to make amends, maybe Issac was right and they could get along- maybe Hayden is correct in saying Theo isn't a bad guy. And maybe Gwen...

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