Six: till the end of time

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It's been a few days since the party for Liam, and coming back drunk out of his head. He remembered some things throughout that night, most of it was blurred. He knew he had a good night with his friends, and an even better sleep- he slept the whole of the next day. So he didn't have to put up with an excruciating painful hangover.

Throughout the days it's been from the party he has barely seen Theo again, it felt like he was ignoring him even more now which Liam was offended by. Yeah he hit him but they didn't have to be enemies, on the rare occasions he did spot Theo around school the guy would give him certain looks. Though you could barely tell, he'd look Liam up and down so casually that you didn't even notice. And he'd look unbothered, and bored.

Or just straight out stare at him as if he's dirt on the bottom of his shoe, which pissed Liam off. So the prank was defintly going ahead, he and Nolan had all of the books they needed in order to pull of this prank.

But in the meantime Mason had pulled him into a prank of their own, the other two were busy with work so they couldn't help.

It was night-time when they were dressed in black hoodies, jeans and a dark beanie, they really went full out. "Is this necessary?" Liam questions his best friend who turns to him with wide eyes.

"Of course it is! Do you want him noticing us!?" He whispers screams right next to him and Liam nudges him away. They're crouched in the hallway of college, their plan was to go into the heads office and snatch the keys to the roof. "Okay, go time" Mason stated as a teacher left said office. Liam shook his head with an amused smile as Mason rushed inside the room and Liam was the look out incase the teacher came back.

His knees were cracking so he tentatively stood, he streched out his limbs and caught a glimpse of Mason in the office through the door window and gave him a deadpanned expression. Instead of aquiring the keys like he sought out to do, he was busy scribbling on the white board behind the desk a doodle of a dick. And in bold letters 'you can't catch us' underneath, when Mason grabbed the keys and turned to him he gave a sheepish look to which Liam laughed at.

"Alright, come on you idiot" Liam said as Mason left the room, they wandered down the corridor quietly while on the look out for any signs of teachers. They didn't find any so far, it was quite dark since it was about 10pm but Mason argued that they wouldn't be spotted on the roof as it was so dark to see them. Liam begged to differ.

"Hey, stop right there!" A deep voice yelled to their left and they both glanced at one another for a minuscule second with wide eyes before sprinting off in opposite directions. Liam cursed Mason who was running right passed the security guard thinking that Mason is an utter idiot.

The guard somehow didn't catch him- Mason is quite fast, and instead decides to sprint for Liam. "Oh fuck" he says to himself because he's not a great runner, he goes for jogs and sprints but he's not that fast. He holds onto his beanie that nearly falls off and legs it down the hallway.

When he gets to the stairs that lead to the roof he bends over, hands on knees as he catches his breath, the security guard long gone thankfully.

"Hey" a voice says behind him and a hand pats his back which causes him to jump up and turn around, without thinking about it he slaps the person in the face before gasping. Putting his hands over him mouth, "did... did you just slap me?" Mason questions holding his cheek and Liam stares at him momentarily before bursting out in laughter.

So much laughter that he has to sit down on the first step to catch his breath. This reminded him of when they were in school together, reeking havoc everywhere they went. It was like old times, just the two of them.

"Yes yes very funny, you just abused me!" Liam wipes a tear out of his eyes and shakes his hand as if to tell Mason to stop talking or he won't be able to stop laughing.

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