The end: ashes to ashes

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The day

Liam, Mason and Theo watched as students gathered around the campus looking up at the building they used to go to class in everyday. They saw groups of people whispering to each other, Liam was holding his breath until Mason grabbed his hand. Squeezing it in comfort.

"You think people believe it?" He questions, Theo and Mason glance at each other before turning back to the building.

Across the red crumbling bricks is a daring sentence 'Brett, Nolan and Josh murdered Alec and Marlowe', he wasn't sure if any teacher would believe it. But the three knew that everyone thought Josh was unhinged, dark and twisted- and that he was in a literal gang. Brett was his accomplice, so the school would believe he is capable by association.

Nolan however, was tricker. He was a star pupil, all the teachers adored him, he was the captain of the lacrosse team. He had perfect grades, he was the poster boy. And so the three made him into an actual poster.

On every single post, bench, door from the building, tree lay a poster of Nolan- of unknown. Liam rumaged through the whole of the boy's phone to find anything incriminating, turns out he sent a few threatening messages to the three of them himself, as well as admitting he is unknown through his texts to Brett and Josh.

And so his threats were all over the college by now, for any student that was still left in the building to see. Which wasn't many due to the fright of Marlowe's murder and the scare it gave parents, Liam stomach turns at that. He feels sick anytime he thinks about Marlowe- anytime he thinks of the guy they used to call their friend. What a rotten word that has become.

Nolan who turned out to be the villain after all, the person tormenting them ever single day.

He felt ill thinking about how he called Nolan his friend, how he let him fuck him. He pulls a face of disgust and guilt at that, feeling his skin itch at the thought. People were dead because of him.

"Hayden's brilliant" Mason says with wonder struck eyes, a sadness deep within. The three still haven't come to turns with the betray of a close friend, they still find it hard to believe their former friend was- is a murderer.

Hayden set it all up, after Liam's call with her they explained everything. She was horried, mortified, disgusted. Then she was beyond angry, she helped hang up all the signs and posters and for the finishing touch that was about to happen; was all her spectacular idea.

They see a figure run pass them and they follow as Issac rushes away, hands in his hair as he squeals like a girl. "Uh-" Mason raises a brow, but soon Tracy is following him. Dragging herself to keep up with the boy but she spots the others.

"What's that about?" Theo questions pointing to a freaked out Issac, Tracy rolls her eyes and huffs.

"He lost his stupid freaking spider" Liam's eyes widen at that as Mason physically yelps.

"That's hardly a spider" Mason shakes his head and wiggles, as though the tarantula is actually on him.

Tracy shakes her head, "anyway it's roaming around somewhere and Issac is set on finding her" Liam turns to Issac who is shaking a poor girl's shoulder with a panicked look in his eyes.

Tracy fidgets on the spot, "is- is it true?" She questions quietly, "is this all real?" She nods behind her and Theo sighs, grabbing her hand.

"Yeah" he tells her, "all of it. He killed Alec, Tracy" he says and Tracy blinks, she bites her lip and nods looking to Issac. "I think that's why he's freaking out really, I don't think he can handle it being true. We trusted Nolan" Tracy says with a sigh.

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