Sixteen: death wish

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They had successfully pulled of their prank on the guys with Theo's help. They first started a noise complaint on Brett, he threw a party and had his music blasting so they decided to tell the principle. He immediately shut it down and everyone went home thinking Brett sucked.

Next was Gabe, Theo knows he smokes weed in his room and dabbles in harder drugs- how he knows this he didn't spill. But they did tip the police off, they came in and basically raided his room. They didn't find a thing somehow, so he must have hid everything. But it gave him a good scare, they did find a knife just like Theo's though which was alarming.

Liam snorted, "why do people in this college carry things like that" he gave pointed eyes go Theo who nudged him away with a warning look. Then their final prank was on Josh, arguably the funniest.

They decided to get his car toed, it was easy really. Theo knew a guy- somehow, he seems to know a lot of guys and a lot of things about everything. They had Josh's shiny car toed, he was pissed when it happened. They watched from the sidelines and they couldn't stop laughing.

"See he's not all that bad" Liam defends Theo at lunch to his friends who all slowly start to agree with him.

"I'll admit, he did help us a lot. We couldn't have done it without him" Liam grins at that, "but I'm going to get him back for the whole locker thing" Mason points a chip in Liam's face who nods in agreement.

"Oh definitely."

Later on Liam was at a vending machine, he couldn't get a drink out as it wouldn't fall. So he started hitting it and shaking it, "come on you stupid thing" but it wouldn't give him the drink he payed for. He sighed and dropped to the floor, crouching next to it.

He stuck his hand up the machine to try and reach for his drink and his face smushed against the glass, he stuck his tongue out as he eagerly tries to get his drink. Then he hears whispering and he stops, glancing around he doesn't see anything.

He goes to look around the corner but his hand is stuck in the vending machine, his eyes widens. "Oh shit" he whispers to himself and looks around again for help but there is no one there. Only the whispering people around the wall.

He tries to listen in, "Reaken is stealing all our customers, people are buying from them instead" a familier voice spoke and Liam furrowed his brows.

"Quiet down, we're in public" another said, "I know he is, I think we can find a way to take them down. Destroy his name in public and his customers will fall like flies."

Someone snorts, "yeah, how are we going to bring down Reaken out of everyone?"

"We've done it before, we'll make up things about them. Then no one would buy from them, we made it up about Tara" Liam was beyond confused but he wanted to hear more, if someone was taking Theo down he needed to know.

The word customers fly around his head and his eyes widen, customers like Theo? Theo was selling stuff to that guy on the street... do whoever these people are do the same? He moves closer and suddenly the drink falls from the vending machine.

"Shh" he hisses and grabs the can, getting ready to leg it but the whispering people walk out from the corner.

His eyes widen spotting Brett and Josh, "uh" he let's slip, not knowing what to say. He clutches his drink as Brett grabs his shirt.

"What did you hear Liam?" He grits through his teeth and Liam's eyes widen.

"Nothing?" He says, clearly Brett didn't believe him because he rammed him into the vending machine.

"Nothing hey? Why were you lurking around, you sure you don't have anything you want to confess?" He gets close to Liam's face who felt his anger spike. So he steps closer to Brett.

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