Twenty four: hidden in plain sight

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Start of February

"Do we believe him?" Mason asks as he crowds around Liam's bed, Nolan is there too. Sat on the chair in a thoughtful state, careful with his movements as to not press against his wounded chest.

"Not after that fucker played fruit ninja with me, this is going to scar" Nolan says pointing at his chest and Mason snorts as a reply. Liam blinks ever so slowly and looks between his friends as they start to argue whether or not to believe Theo. Or more specifically believe in Theo, their former friend.

"I'm just saying- it sounds plausible" Mason puts his hands up in defence.

He's in denial, grasping for straws. He hates notion that the perpetrator was in front of his very eyes this entire time.

"So what?" Nolan replies, "you're only saying that because you weren't the one hurt. You try being hacked up" Mason turns fully to Nolan and crosses his arms against his chest looking offended.

"For your information, I had a concussion!" He argues and Nolan puts his hands up.

"Wow, I hope that didn't hurt you too much, hey Liam. How did it feel being cut into like you were a pig up for slaughter? 'Cuz I have to say, it wasn't a very pleasant feeling being sliced up, but eh that's just me" Mason throws his hands up at that and shakes his head.

This goes on for a while so Liam ends up blocking it out, he looks down at the bed and his eyes find his bandaged hands. After he broke the mirrors his hand looked a mess, his mom came in at the perfect time and called a doctor who had him sedated

When he woke he wanted to go back to sleep instantly, everything was way too bright in the hospital. The florescent lights a bit too sharp and the smell or cleaning supplies attacked his nose. Normally he hated being in The Asleep but now that's all he wanted to do.

He traces his finger over the bandage, they had to pick out pieces of the mirror from his knuckles with tweezers. It didn't need sewing up but it defintely looked like it was going to scar, he didn't care though. He had plenty of scars on his body from when he lost his temper.

"Liam?" A voice unfortunately pulls him from his daze and he blinks a few times trying to see past the bright lights to look to his best friend. "Tell him that Theo isn't lying" he says and Liam sighs.

Shifting on the bed, he isn't wincing anymore. It's been a few weeks and he's pretty sure he's healed (mostly). But he had to stay at the hospital for a little while longer after his episode, he kept losing control and letting the anger take over him. The other day he threw his food at a doctor in a juvenile manner, because they kept pestering him to eat but he didn't want to.

"I don't know what to believe" he says his truth and Nolan nods, Mason sighs and sits at the edge of Liam's bed.

"Yes but- what he said about that video, it sounded genuine dude. He hated you did he not? He wanted to make you pay right? He had a plan but he didn't act it out, I know it" he shrugs and Nolan rolls his eyes.

"Yes but how do we know he didn't, how do we know he's really not unknown?" Mason turns to Liam and sighs.

"Well, who was the one recording the video then? I looked at it over again and it doesn't make sense. Why would someone be recording them if Theo planned it all, I think what he's saying is the truth. Unknown overheard it and took inspiration from it-"

"Doesn't mean we should forgive him" Liam cuts in, a blank expression on his face that's suits his monotone voice. Mason falters and glances at Nolan quickly.

"We didn't say that Liam" Nolan says, sitting up in his chair. "I don't think I'll ever forgive him for what he did to us" he confesses, looking down at his hands and Liam frowns.

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