Twenty three: deal is made

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End of January

Theo's POV:

It all started when Liam was hurt by unknown.

After Theo had left Liam when he was in 'The Asleep', he was still receiving anonymous texts but he ignored them everytime. Untill he came back to the dorm and spotted Liam awake, who showed him the picture of unknown hovering over Liam with a knife.

It irked Theo, he felt sick, he felt his fingers tremble in rage and he wanted this guy gone. But he, Nolan and Mason had no leads. All they knew was that there were a few unknowns, but they've known that for a while now haven't they?

After Liam went he shortly left in rage, he found Mason and Nolan and they stayed up all night in Nolan's dorm to try and figure out who was behind everything.

But no luck.

He came to realise that working with Mason and Nolan was useless, since they were useless themselves. They argued about the different colored strings for different meanings, who was in charge, everything other than trying to figure out who was toying with all of their lives.

It was a nightmare.

So he decided to take matters into his own hands.

He and Liam weren't talking still so he decided to contact the unknown, he couldn't message him as his phone wouldn't let him. So he decided to sneak out at night and go to a abandoned building that was nearby the college grounds.

Close to the bridge.

It was where he does most of his deals, as it's quite covered and no one really goes there's.

But he figured that unknown has to have eyes and ears everywhere, they seem to know everything and be everywhere. He thought at one point they had chipped all of their phones, put a tracker in them? Or a hidden microphone or camera in their room's. He even thought at one point that they hacked his ankle monitor but came to the conclusion he was just being paranoid.

Way too paranoid.

He went to the building with a spray can in hand, he had it from a previous prank.

He had sighed thinking over the idea before painting the words 'meet me here tomorrow night', it was clear and if anyone stumbled across it they would be curious and hopefully the unknown would happen upon it first.

The next night Theo went back there again, as soon as he got there a person was behind a large broken down pillar. He watched him carefully. A knife in his pocket just incase this went wrong, he thought about bargaining with the unknown.

Or really trick them.

"I want to help" he says out loud, loud enough for the masked figure to step out from hiding, he tilts his head.

"You do, do you?" He questions and Theo feels himself gritting his teeth, no that's the last thing he'd want. He wants them gone, he wants them to pay for what they're doing. For tormenting him and his... friends and for hurting Liam. Liam didn't deserve this.

"Yes" he agrees and they conversed for a while, it was like a cat and mouse. Unknown never reply fully believing in him, he knew he had to do something to earn his trust otherwise he couldn't ge close to him. He couldn't destroy them.

"Liam pisses me off just as much as you" he lies through his teeth, one time he would glady say this but now everything has changed. The little thorn had pricked him and left a huge mark, but he reminded himself he was doing this for Liam. All for Liam.

"I know you hate him otherwise you wouldn't be doing all of this, let me help" unknown steps closer- intrigued by the offer. "He trusts me, I wanted to get close to him to hurt him- as a prank. Clearly it worked since he calls me his friend now" his mind flashes back to the arcade. How Liam looked so happy and carefree so Theo took a sneaky photo of him.

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