Fourteen: alone in this

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"Wow" Nolan said, sitting down next to the toilet- not even caring about the germs after hearing what he heard. "Wow" he repeats again, his knee starting to bounce. He puts his hands in his hair, "wow" he then says one more time and Liam finally snaps.

"Nolan!" He yells out and his friend flinches, snapping out of it.

"I'm sorry, it's just a lot to hear" he says, hands either side of his head and elbows resting on his kneescaps. "So, someone going by 'unknown' is threatening you?" Liam nods at that, sighing as he wipes his mouth with a shaky hand. "And they sent a picture of a knife-" he pulls a face.

"A knife over Mason and Corey sleeping, yes. They said if I don't wear the costume on Halloween they'll be hurt" he says, feeling his heart quicken. Nolan looks sick himself, not knowing what to say he furrows his brows.

"And, and you think this guy actually ran over Corey's sister?" Liam sighs at that, wiping his fringe away from his eyes that is slowly growing too long for his liking.

"I don't know- I, I mean I think so. Maybe? The description matched" Nolan shook his head.

"There's tons of people who wear hoodies and gloves-"

"I know! But I-I just have a feeling that it is him, her. Whoever, you know?" He shakes his head and stands, going to the sink he rinses his mouth out as Nolan flushes the toilet. They walk to his bed and Liam looks down to his phone in hand. "I don't know why they're doing this Nolan, I don't know what they want from me" he says, a quiet tone.

Fearing for what's to come.

Nolan watches him before he shakes his hand and grabs Liam's phone, gritting his teeth he taps around on the phone and stands when Liam tries to grab it back. "What are you doing?" He questions his friend but Nolan just clicks away.

"I am going to text this fucking creep back and see what they hell they want!" Liam shakes his head.

"Don't you think I've tried that! I can't seem to message them back, I can't do anything but read what they say" Nolan looks up to him then huffs. Throwing his hands up.

"Well there's got to be something else" he says and looks down to the phone before his head snaps up. "Mason! Tell Mason. He can help you, we need to tell Mason" he says urgently and Liam shakes his head.

"How the hell is he supposed to help? I didn't want to tell him in the first place incase something bad will happen to him!" Liam says, grabbing his phone out of a freaked looking Nolan.

"Because, he's amazing at tracking people down. He's a genius at coding I don't know- fuck! Just get him to track this freak, he could see where this phone leads then we will find out who it is" Liam paces around shaking his head, not liking that idea.

"We can't do that, what if this 'unknown' finds out and hurts him, hurts any of us. They ran someone over Nolan, there's no limit to what this person will do next" he shrugs, wanting to just give up. And take back telling his friend.

But Nolan shakes his head his eyes lights up again as a new idea forms, "you have to show the police, show them the number! If they see the number they can track it down, someone in power will be able to help and that way Mason is safe." He starts to panic, throwing his ideas out there without a second thought.

Liam sits down on his bed, "no I can't do that" he rests his hand against his forehead.

Nolan pulls a face at Liam "why not!? They're threatening our friends, they hurt Corey's sister. What if we don't say anything and it escalates" Liam huffs out at that and throws his hands up as Nolan sits next to him.

"I'm not doing any of that, I don't want to risk it" he says, looking urgently into a hurt Nolan's eyes. Who slowly nods.

"Okay, I get it" he says, fiddling with his hands, he looks over to Liam. "Can't you block them?" He tries, not wanting to piss Liam off even more or frighten him, but wanting his friend safe. Liam shakes his head. "I've already tried that Nolan."

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