Thirty three: out with a bang

525 21 78

Start of June (2 days before)

A week apparently wasn't long enough, the unknowns' found out. They started sending messages to Liam threatening him, threatening Marlowe. Theo happened upon a text he recived and read it out loud, Mason looked up confused and soon his eyes were widening.

"You told her?" Theo accused and Liam had sighed, Theo was annoyed that Liam didn't tell him anything, "what were you thinking?" He questioned standing up.

"I was thinking that we needed help" Liam yelled back, fed up of being treated like a child being told off as he sat on his bed. Theo shook his head at the boy and pointed a finger in his face.

"You don't get to be mad right now, it's my turn" Liam slapped it away and stood up himself.

"What do you want from me? A sorry, fine I'm sorry I got scared okay. It's not a big deal! We can still get help Marlowe will tell the principle, he'll kick them out. She can go to the police-" Theo scoffs at that and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"You're acting real delusional," he scoffs to himself, "as if any of that will happen. They will come for us, Gwen, Hayden, Corey and Nolan are in class right now. What if Brett and Josh just went up to them huh?" Liam shakes his head at that but bites his tongue.

It could happen, the two are demented enough.

But it won't, they're planning something he knows they are. He can feel it, why wait this long to torture them if they don't have a grand finale. "They won't, they don't want to ruin their plan" Theo shakes his head and grabs Liam's collar on his shirt.

"Well you're going to wish you're right, because whatever the fuck happens it will be on your hands" he pushes him back down on the bed. He sat there thinking about why he did what he did, and how the unknown's knew that he spilt everything to Marlowe.

The days pass and everything is as it seems, classes go by normally and the group try to stick together. Theo is out most nights with Issac and Tracy, still dealing what they can. Theo is pissed at him but at least they're talking, when Corey and Mason argue they go days without speaking- or even looking at each other.

Liam and Theo can't do that, it itches Liam all over when he goes even a second without Theo.

When they exit their class at the final hour Theo meets up with them, Mason and Corey go off to find their seat as Liam says he needs to speak with Marlowe. Theo throws one arm over his shoulder and pulls him in tight, "yeah because that sounds smart" he taunts and Liam rolls his eyes and elbows his boyfriend who doesn't even budge.

"Oh I'm coming with you, I can't have you spilling anything else" he says and Liam gives him an unamused look.

"Oh yeah, like what?" He questions and Theo deadpanns, then points to himself. Anything about Theo, his past, his deals, the incident with his dad, you name it. Liam sighs, "yeah okay" he rolls his eyes until they land on his friend.

Theo wafts Nolan away though, "you're not coming, go meet up with the others" he says and Nolan raises a brow at him then looks to Liam.

"Well, good luck" he snorts and Liam groans as Theo drags him to Marlowe's office.

"I don't need a babysitter" Liam mumbles as he watches his friend's depart outside to find them their table. Theo glances at his boyfriend.

"I beg to differ" he says before opening the door to the office, it creeks open and when it bangs against the door Liam almost yells. Theo's hand covers his mouth before he can do so as tears sprinkle to his eyes, he feels the color drain from his face and his heart beats twice as fast as he glances all away around the room.

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