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Monday morning,
Seoul, South Korea.

In a small yet cozy house, people were now getting up one after another. The person who is incharge of cooking was almost done with the breakfast and was now gathering everyone to their kitche where they eat their meals.

"Joon hyung, yoongi hyung, hobi hyung come breakfast is ready." The second youngest Jimin shouted everyone's name, who walked in one by one.

"Where is kook?" Jin asked as he put the dishes infront of others.

"Must be in the garden doing excercise." Yoongi spoke taking the tangerine and pelling it was himself.

"He spend his morning doing excercise, such a hardworking person our younger is." Hobi spoke taking the apple and cutting it in pieces.

"Hmm, he never says but I know he wants to join gym." Jin muttured remembering the one time they were walking on a street and how younger stopped infront of a gym to stare at it with shinning eyes.

"I wish we could afford getting him the membership." Namjoon spoke with a heavy sigh.

These are the six friends more like family, staying together in a rented house. Everyone do job and earn for themselves. They have to contribute for the house rent and the groceries of every month.

And at last they just get a small amount of money for themselves, which they use for their personal use. They fight but never separate. People in their neighborhood are fond of the boy's friendship, specially the love they hold for their younger.

Even tho the youngest is 22 an official adult, but these five males always treats him like a baby. And the youngest can help but behave like a baby as well. They all met in the orphanage 10 years back, some were already in that orphanage while some came new. They met in the playground and became friends and till now no one was able to break their friendship.

" Good morning hyung's." Here came the youngest Jungkook aka kook.

"Good morning bunny, took you long enough today." Namjoon spoke ruffling kook's hair who pouted.

"Hyung, I am not a bunny." Kook whinned making everyone chuckle at the big baby's behaviour.

"Fine, you are not. Now eat this and get ready or you will be late." Jin spoke serving him the pancakes. Kook shoved the pancakes in his mouth sipping banana milk, as he was really hungry Because of the excercise.

After having their breakfast all of them got ready and left for their own work places.


"Good morning Jungkook." The owner of the conventional store spoke as soon as he saw younger entering.

"Good morning boss." Kook greeted back with a bow.

"Great you came on time, I am leaving as I have some personal work. You have to handle the store for today all by your own. Best of luck." The boss spoke as he hurriedly left leaving a waving bunny behind.

"Get to work mr Jungkook." Kook muttured to himself and went to change in the uniform of the store. He stood at the counter, and greeted the customers that came in.


"For God sakes, why today...." An angel like boy whined when he saw it was already 2 in the afternoon.

"Waahhh, walk fast kim Taehyung, uncle must be waiting for you for 2 hours." He muttured to himself as he fasten his steps walking out from his University's corridor he turned to go out from the main door.

He smiled softly at his driver who was waiting for him for 2 hours now. He bowed at the elder man.

"So sorry uncle Han, my professor took an extra class today. I am sorry for making you wait." Tae spoke with guilt laced in his voice.

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