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If I had two hearts,
I would fall for you twice~~


The next day came, with a new hope and lots of determination. Having their breakfast they all went to their respective works. While walking to the store Jungkook saw a job advertisement on a 24/7 medical store. He thought he should work there so he can earn more.

Jungkook decided after completing his shift,he will ce to the medical store to ask if the job is still available. After reaching garage hobi talked to his boss about the old van, and as he thought he boss was ready to give it free to him. Thanking the kind man several times he started his work.

Jin has already found the diary that his aunt left for him, he has taken it with him so that he can read the recipies and understand them while he will be on break. He was thinking to add something new or not.

Namjoon asked his boss that if he can get more work and his boss got ready and ask him to clean the whole gas station twice a day.

Yoongi on the other side was talking to his boss." Sir I won't mind doing anything." He spoke.

"Hmm, we don't have many delivery men so you have to do 2 times more delivery then usual. If you are ok with that I can give you more money." The boss spoke and yoongi was quick to agree.

Meanwhile Jimin was talking to his boss regarding work too. " Hmm, see Jimin we already have delivery men and chef so I can't give that work to you. But yes the dish washer of our restaurant has left his job, so if you want you can do that. You will get extra payment for that." The boss spoke.

"I will do that." Jimin spoke. They all had just one thing in their minds that they have to earn and make Jungkook a businessman and for that they will do anything.


Tae was making a site on his laptop. He typed something vigoursly and a small smile came on his lips when he saw the site was updated.

"What are you doing bear?" Ji Eun asked when she saw her son focusing on the laptop screen.

"I made a website where I will sell the painting made by me." Tae spoke uploading the pictures of his paintings. He was fond of doing paintings and that was the reason he was studying arts, with the main subject painting.

"But why my love? If you need anything tell us. We will give it to you." Ji Eun asked softly.

"Mama, if kookie is working hard to prove that he deserves me, I should work hard to prove I deserve him too. I will earn for myself, so that if in future he need my help. I can always be there for him to support him in anyways. And no I will never take your money for that. I will earn, for myself and for my family." Tae spoke shaking his head. Making ji Eun smile.

"I am proud of you my baby, I wish your paintings gets sold soon." She spoke patting tae's head who smiled at her.


"Now that I am repairing the van, tell me have you thought what name you will put for the restaurant?" Hobi asked.

They all were in their house having their dinner.

"Hmm, how about jk's restaurant?" Jimin suggested but kook shook his head.

"Then but kookie's kitchen." Jin spoke.

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