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Jungkook has been glancing at the door of the shop every now and then. Whenever the door opens he looked at it with hope of seeing the pretty male. But his hopes gets crashed as different people walks in.

The owner of the store as been, seeing this but didn't pointed it as he don't want to get in younger's private life.

Tae jogged to his mansion and slowed down his speed as the store came in view. He took a deep breath as he pushed the door. But this time Jungkook didn't looked at the door not wanting to get his hopes crashed again. Tae walked to the counter, and cleared his throat.

"Good afternoon ." He spoke making the person opposite of him to snap his head with the speed of light.

Jungkook stared at tae with wide eyes as he wasn't able to believe if the male really came. He thought he was hallucinating.

"Excuse me." Tae spoke knocking on the counter snapping the handsome male out of his daze.

"Good afternoon, how may I help you?" Jungkook asked after clearing his throat.

"Is stawberry available in the store?" Tae asked wanting to hear that melodic voice.

"Yeah, it's in the left side section of fruits." Jungkook informed.

"Thank you." Tae thanked and walked to the side. Jungkook stared at the retreating male as he pinched himself. And hissed when he felt the pain.

"It's really him. Oh my, thank you so much god for listening to my prayers." Jungkook mumbled and get back to work occasionally taking glances to the beauty who seemed to be checking more things to buy.

Finally spend around 20 to 25 minutes tae went to the payment counter to pay for his stuffs. Putting the basket on the top he looked at the counter boy with a soft smile.

"Here my card." Tae spoke giving Jungkook his card which he took and swiped in the cars machine giving bill to the pretty male. He packed the stuffs and handled it to other.

"Have a great day. Come back soon." He spoke as a matter of formality which he says to every customer, but the come soon was something he really wanted to be true.

"I will sure." Tae spoke as he left from the place. After getting back home he found his friends were all in his room and so he went there. Spending time with his friends tae didn't realized when the sun set. The group of friends bide theirs byes and left for their home.

As the Kim couple returned they got to know about the surprise tae gave to the Han couple. They felt proud for their son for his kindness. They had their dinner and tae enjoyed the stawberry for the third time. For the day. Don't know if the stawberries were extra tasty or it was the effect of the counter boy that made him smile throughout the time.


The line went by for a week, tae finding reasons to go to store and Jungkook loving the whole week as he got to see the prettiest human everyday.

Today was another day tae was wearing his shoes to go to store as he was carving for chocolates. Or may be he was carving to see the handsome boy.

Wearing a black purple hoodie and losse pants, tae walked downstairs just to meet Mrs Han instructing the chiefs about the menu of the lunch. It was Sunday today that means Kim couple were at home too.

 It was Sunday today that means Kim couple were at home too

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