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For you,
I would~~


6 months later.

It's been six month Jungkook started 'The family's restaurant' and to their surprise the restaurant was running quite well then they expected. Jungkook had left his medical store job, as he wanted to focus on the restaurant more.

They had even planned to start the delivery service, so they can increase the sells. Currently they all were in their house. It was early in the morning and they thought to check how much did the profit increased within six months. And can they afford starting the delivery service now or not.

Jungkook, namjoon and yoongi were calculating the income and expenditure of the whole six months. Yoongi was asked to make a budged regarding the delivery service while other two were doing expense and income calculation.

"Hmm, we have spent around 50, to 70$ in one month, and so if we consider 70$,   whole expenditure of six months is 420$." Jungkook spoke after doing all the calculation.

"It's quite much then I expected." Jimin spoke, Jin and hobi nodded.

"No way!!" Namjoon exclaimed as he completed the profit.

"What happened, are we in loss?" Jungkook asked worriedly. Namjoon his head and smiled brightly.

"No, we had gained more profit then I expected. See there were around 150$ income per month, that means the total income of six months was 900. Now if we will take the expenses from the whole income we will be getting 480$ as our profit. Isn't it great." Namjoon explained the whole calculation.

"That's more then great, it means we can start the delivery service if the budget yoongi hyung made fit within the amount of profit." Jungkook spoke with a big smile.

"Yes tell us the budget you made?" Hobi spoke.

"Hmm, see as we thought we will be doing delivery on weekends, we have to get a bike on rent for two days a week. I have a friend who gives bike and cycles for rent, his charge around 8$ per day. So it will be$ 16 for two days.  We want boxes or envelopes to pack the food. It will also cost around 10 to 15$. Now, we need to make a sticker of our restaurant. If any of you have someone that can make one tell us so we can get the cost of it as well." Yoongi spoke.

"I have one, there's a boy who often comes to the restaurant I work. He is an expert in making posters and stickers, he looks good in nature and may be he is in need of some work too. I have his number as well, let me call him." Jimin spoke

Yoongi looked at him with narrow eyes' why do he have some boy's number in his phone.' he thought but shrugged his thoughts.

"He said yes, we just have to send him the pattern we want as the sticker. And he won't cost it much too. It will be around 20$ for 100 stickers." Jimin spoke after talking with the boy.

"Great then so if we think about the expense on the delivery service. It will be around 151 or maybe a little more then this." Yoongi spoke.

"That's great then, we will still have 329$ in our pocket." Jin spoke.

"Yes, so it's done we will be starting the delivery service from next week, let's select the pattern for sticker and Jimin hyung ask that boy to start making it. By the way what's his name." Jungkook asked.

"It's hyungkai." Jimin spoke.

"Ok, Jin hyung yoongi hyung you both make a list of what type of boxes and other things we need. And I will be the one doing this deliveries." Jungkook spoke.

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