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My love you are
Worth it all~~


The week passed quickly as it was Sunday the day for taekook's second date. Tae was choosing clothes when his phone made a ding sound.

Handsome boyfriend ♥️
Wear something cute love.

Tae smiled seeing the message he typed a quick 'ok' and selected the cutest outfit he had. Wearing the outfit he put some lip gloss, took his hand clutch and checked himself in the mirror. He walked outside to their  selected park that was just near the store.

Jungkook was already standing at the parks entrance waiting for tae, his eyes sparked as he noticed the living angel walking towards him. He felt his breath getting stuck in his throat as he capture the sight of tae. Wearing just a simple outfit tae was still looking the most beautiful person in the world.

Tae waved once he was standing infront of Jungkook whonwas staring at him without blinking.

Tae waved once he was standing infront of Jungkook whonwas staring at him without blinking

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(Jungkook's outfit)

(Jungkook's outfit)

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(Tae's outfit)

"Hiii." Tae spoke.

"That's not fair." Jungkook whinned making tae confused.

"What's not fair? What are you saying?" Tae asked tilting his head looking 10 times more cute making Jungkook clench his chest where his heart was beating rapidly.

"That so unfair. I asked you to wear something cute, but oh my heart. How am I suppose to handle this much cuteness." He commented making tae blush furiously.

"Yaahh!! Stop saying those stuffs." Tae whinned hidding his face by his palm.

"God my love, be a little less cute. Waah!! Hey heart calm down. I don't wanna die this soon." He talked to his heart patting his chest making tae face palm.

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