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Double update....

Read a thousand books,
And words will flow
like a river.~~~


Tae along with his friends reached home, hiding the bags they all walked to tae's room, they his everything in there so aunt Han won't get to know about their plan.

As it was already evening it was time for tae's parents to come back. His friends bid byes to him as they all were tired and wanted to rest. They all left just 5 minutes ago, taking the opportunity tae went to freshen up.

As soon as he walked out from the bathroom the car horns was heard indicating his parents were at home. He ran down and hugged his parents who hugged him back with big smiles.

"Welcome back mama, papa." Tae spoke smiling showing his boxy smile.

"Thank you bear. Missed us?" Ji Eun asked ruffling his hair and tae nodded with a pout.

"We missed our bear too." Jong-suk spoke pinching tae's cheeks.

"You both must be hungry, aunt Han please set the tables." Tae shouted making the Kim couple chuckle.

"Wait for us, we will get changed." Ji Eun spoke as both of them walked to their room. Tae skipped to the dinning area and sat on his chair.

After 10 minutes his parents joined him. They all had their dinner together while they all told what happened through the day. Tae didn't told them about anything related to convenience store.

After having a great time tae walked back to his room to sleep. Changing into his night wears he jumped on his bed. Covered his body with the duvet as he recalled the boy from the convenience store.

"Jungkook, his name sounds so sweet." Tae spoke to himself.

"He is so handsome and cute. The way he was talking to the little boy it was so so cute." Tae complimented.

"He is hot too. Oh wait tae what are you saying, don't tell me you already have a crush on him." Tae spoke biting his inner cheeks.

"But seriously he is so of my type." Tae spoke and squealed as he remembered how Jungkook was also staring at him.

"Sleep, sleep tae. " He spoke as he burried his face in the pillow hugging it.


"What took you so long today Jin hyung?" Jungkook asked as they all were hungry and tired but still have to wait for Jin to come back and cook for them.

"Sorry kook, there was a birthday cake order. It was a very big cake and I had to make it perfect because customer asked me to make it." Jin spoke removing his shoes.

"We are really hungry hyung. Make something for us quickly." Jimin whinned rubbing his stomach.

"I had already made food for all of you when I took some minutes break there. Glad there was a small grocery store near by. Come eat it and sleep you all are very tired." Jin spoke unpacking the food. Everyone dragged themselves and ate the food fastly Because everyone was hella hungry.

Getting full they all walked to their rooms and laid there changing into their nightwears.

As Jungkook closed his eyes tae's face came in his view. He opened his eyes with a soft smile on his lips.

"He is really so beautiful." He spoke out a little louder then he wanted too.

"Who is beautiful?" Hobi asked making kook jump a little.

"What? Why are you speaking out of nowhere." Jungkook asked.

"You spoke first bro." Hobi commented.

"Fine sorry to disturb you, go back to sleep." Jungkook spoke turning to face the other side.

"But atleast tell me who is beautiful?" Hobi asked poking kook's back.

"Jin hyung." Kook spoke with a tight lip smile as he looked over his shoulder to hobi.

"Please don't say that infront of him or he will be on cloud 18." Hobi spoke.

"Hyung it's cloud 9, not 18." Jungkook corrected.

"He already stays on 9th cloud thinking he is beautiful, and if you will tell him this then he will be over 18th cloud." Hobi stated as a matter of fact.

Jungkook stared for him for some seconds." Ok I won't, go back to sleep. Good night." He spoke covering his head with the duvet but eyes still open. After a while he heard snoring sounds that means hobi was asleep. He peeked his head out as he smiled again.

"I wish I could meet his again." He thought.

"But I don't think he will come back to the store again, by his appearance he looked rich and there's no way he would buy stuffs from that small store." Jungkook spoke with a pout.

"But he came today, maybe he will come in future too." Jungkook defeated.

"Or maybe he just came there accidentally." Jungkook then thought. He sighed deeply.

"I wish he comes back again, I wanna see him once more. " Jungkook prayed.


Next day.

As planned Lisa and enuwoo engaged the Han couple in the works. While other made the cake in the kitchen, where tae was doing nothing much just watching Jennie and rose doing everything. Yeah he mixed the cake batter. While jisso did the extra work, like cutting pineapple for garnishing.

After an hour or so. The cake was finally ready, enuwoo and Lisa was send a green signal as they both took the Han couple back. They all celebrated the couples anniversary which made the couple to smile brightly at their young master's kindness.

Mrs Han even cried a little and they gave lots of blessings to tae and others. They all had the cake. While tae was planning something.

"Aunt Han is there any stawberries at home?" He asked knowing damn well there was no stawberries at the house.

"Sorry young master but the stawberries are finished." She spoke with guilty tone.

"Don't worry I will bring it for you." Mr Han spoke ready to go but tae spoke before.

"No no. You stay, I will go to the near by store and will get it." Tae spoke.

"Why will you go, I will order that online." Jisso spoke.

"Ahh, no noona it will take awhile to get them through delivery and I will have a walk till the store as well and I will get the stawberries too." Tae spoke innocently.

"Ok, fine go but be careful and come back fast." Rose spoke and tae nodded furiously as he ran out to go to the store. Where a certain bunny is already waiting for him praying to see the beauty onec again....


To be continue...

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Stay tuned cutiesssssssss...

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