Special chapter ♥️

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Sorry for the delay, I totally forgot about this special chapter.🥺🥺🥺


Jungkook slowly opened his eyes as he felt a soft touch on his forehead. He smiled softly as he saw tae staring at him softly, eyes filled with adoration. Tae smiled widely making Jungkook smile as well.

"Good morning kookie." Tae spoke, as he leaned in and left a small peck on jungkook's forehead making him smile widely.

"Morning love." He whispered as he moved sideways hugging tae's waist from his left hand as there was plaster in over his right hand. Tae chuckled when Jungkook snugged his face more in his chest.

"What happened?" Tae asked caressing his hairs softly.

"Nothing, just want you close." Jungkook mumbled as he breath fanned over tae's skin as the male wasn't wearing anything except bra's. Tae giggled at the tickling feeling making his husband smile, Jungkook placed a small peck on the exposed swells making tae's cheeks red.

"Get up, let me help you getting fresh." Tae spoke but didn't moved cause other wasn't looking in mood to get up yet.

Tae just smiled softly as he felt the small butterfly kisses all over his skin. Jungkook leaned back and moved a bit up to peck tae's lips.

He wanted to kiss other but the knock on their room door didn't let him.

"Mama, open the door." Tae's eyes went wide as he heard yeonjun's voice.

"Stop, it's kids." Tae spoke pushing the male a bit away as he hurriedly searched for some thing to wear. He took jungkook's one of hoodie and slidded in looking himself in the mirror he smiled and walked to open the door.

"Good morning mama." Yeonjun and jeongguk who was in yeojun's arms greeted tae pecking his cheeks.

"Morning my babies." Tae spoke pecking their cheeks too.

"Good morning mama." Hanni and Danielle greeted pecking tae's cheeks who pecked their cheeks as well.

"Morning to you my girls, what that Danielle?" Tae asked as he saw a tray covered with lid in Danielle's hand.

"Breakfast for us." Danielle spoke.

"Come inside." Tae spoke moving away with a smile as he let the kids inside.

"Good morning dad." They all greeted together making Jungkook smile widely, tae chuckled as he saw hanni pushing the trolley they bought along with the tray inside the room.

Yeonjun made jeongguk get on the bed as he sat on the edge, hanni and Danielle placed the tray and trolley near the couch as they climbed on the bed as well.

""What brought you all here early in the morning kids?" Jungkook asked as jeongguk was hugging him from the side.

"We came to see you and help you." Yeonjun spoke, taekook looked at each other.

"Hmm, how are you going to help me?" Jungkook asked again.

"Ggukie will help you brushing your teeth." Jeongguk spoke making taekook chuckle.

"I will spoonge you." Yeonjun spoke getting inside the bathroom.

"I will select your clothes." Hanni spoke rushing to taekook's wadrobe.

"And I will feed you the breakfast." Danielle spoke smiling widely. Jeongguk jumped off the bed making taekook to look at the boy with wide eyes as he ran to bathroom.

In his tiny hands he got jungkook's brush with tooth paste on it. With the help of tae he got on the bed.

"Dad say eee." He spoke showing his teeths, Jungkook tried best to not giggle at the boy's cuteness as he eee-ed. Jeongguk messily moved the brush on jungkook's teeths as Danielle came with a small tub and a mug filled with water.

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