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You are my favourite place to go to,
When my heart searches for peace.


ouble update

After getting the letter on his birthday, tae started to get letters from Jungkook every 6 months. Jungkook used to write how much he misses his love and how much he is desperate to meet him. Tae would be a blushing mess whenever he got the letters. His friends, family even the servants of the house used to tease him whenever the letter came.

Jungkook turned this waiting phase to a beautiful old time phase. Just like in old times people used to send letters to each other as they weren't able to meet each other, Jungkook was doing the same. Even tho he asked tae to not send him any letters why? Because he will leave everything and won't think twice running to tae the moment he will read tae saying he misses him.

So tae and Jungkook was like old times hero and heroine. Tae would be waiting for the letters to come, counting days. The sadness, stress everything disappeared the moment he got those letters in his hands.


4 years later.

It's been straight four years when Jungkook took the first step for ' The family's restaurant'. That time he didn't thought he will reach to where he was just in 4 years. He still remembers he started the restaurant with an old van repaired by his hobi hyung, with the help of his hyung's he started that small street side restaurant which is now converted to a big lavsih RESTUARANT. Yes The family's restaurant' was now a big, restaurant situated at a good area of rich people.

The struggle of taking it to this far was too much for the six of them. But they all were determined and they did it. Many things changed in this 4 years. Their house, their living style, their occupation, and so on. But the thing that never changed was the bond between Jungkook and his hyungs.

They all were still the same old people who used to stay in that rented house. Even tho their house is changed but their nature isn't. So let's meet them once again in their new house.

 So let's meet them once again in their new house

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"Come on kook it's not that tough, too." Jin muttured muching his cookies while looking at jungkook who was biting his nails.

"Yes, jinnie is right. You shouldn't be that stressed. It's not like you are going to meet him for the first time." Namjoon spoke trying to get a cookie but his hands were slapped by Jin.

"Yeah, he is right. I guess you should just go for it." Jimin spoke coming inside the house.

"Naah, he still needs the guts. Which I don't think he have." Yoongi spoke walking inside following Jimin.

"Hyung, it's old now. Try something new to make me do something by provoking me." Jungkook spoke rolling his eyes.

"Calm down. And get ready." Jin spoke making his stand and pushing him towards the stairs. Sighing in defeat Jungkook walked to his room to get ready.

"Where is hobi?" Namjoon asked.

"Busy with his secret boyfriend." Jimin spoke rolling his eyes and sat on the chair.


"Oh come on tae stop phasing in the room." Jisoo spoke being done with younger.

"How can I stop, he didn't send me any letter for more than 6 months." Tae exclaimed making Lisa roll her eyes.

"Bear it's been just 1 day after the six months completed. Maybe he would be busy and forgot to send the letter." Lisa tried to convince tae.

"But, I am scared, if would be fine right?" Tae asked with a worried face.

"I am sure he will be." Jisso spoke patting tae's shoulder. Both got calls from their girlfriends so they left.


Stepping out from his car, Jungkook stared at the mansion right infront of him. Seeing it after 4 years make him realize how long it took him to come back here. He remembers how he walked out with teary eyes and a hopeless mind. But see he is finally here.

"I am finally going to meet you after some many years my love." Jungkook spoke standing outside the Kim's mansion.

Mr Han who was coming out of the mansion saw a young man staring. He walked near Jungkook.

" What do you want mr?" He asked politely.

"Oh hello uncle Han, you didn't remember me. I am Jungkook." Jungkook spoke, a wide smile streched to mr han's face as he recongnized the face.

"Oh, I am sorry. As I am getting old I forgot things quite much. But you are finally here huh?" Mr Han said with a smile.

"Yes, finally." He spoke.

"Come inside." Mr Han spoke, Jungkook nodded and followed him inside.


Tae was sitting on his bed head leaning on the head board, a cute pout adoring his already cute face.

He looked at the door when he heard a knock." I don't want to eat anything aunt Han. Please I have no appetite." Tae spoke as he just send the maid back that came to give him his meal.

"I understood that young master. But I am not here for this. I came here to call you, there's someone waiting for you downstairs." She spoke smiling softly.

"I don't wanna meet anyone." Tae muttured.

"Young master think wisely, what if you regret later." Mrs Han said. Tae stared at her and with a loud huff placed his feets on the floor. Wearing his furry slippers he walked out.

"I swear if it would be some of your pranks I won't talk to any of yo-" tae stopped in his track when he captured the man sitting in the living room.

He felt like he was dreaming Because there is no way Jungkook, is kookie would be sitting in his house, talking with his parents.

"Didn't i said you might regret." Mrs han's soft voice snapped tae out from his world where he thought he was seeing things.

He rubbed his eyes to get the clear view of the figure and it turned out he wasn't dreaming. Jungkook was really here, his kookie finally came.

"Kookie." He softly called and jungkook's head snapped to the stairs. Eyes getting stuck at the love of his life who was looking so angelic even tho he was dressed in simple printed shirt and pajamas.

"Love." He whispered. Tae didn't thought twice before running on the stair. Jungkook stood up to go near his  love. But he just took a step, and stumbled back because tae jumped on him hugging the life out of him.

Tears gathered in their eyes as they felt each other's warmness. The wait was indeed painful but when they met they felt heaven on earth.


To be continue...

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