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You are our strength ~~

Check the trailer of the new story coming on Wattpad....


The sound of murmuring came from the front door of the grand Jeon mansion. The people inside the mansion smiled widely seeing their loved ones coming inside.

"Hey kids." Jin spoke waving at the youngers.

"Hiiii Jin uncle, you were looking very beautiful in the conference today." A girl spoke making Jin smile proudly they all got settled on the couches.

"Don't compliment him more, hyerin. Jin hyung is already too proud of his handsome face." Yoongi spoke to his daughter and got a glare from Jin, which he totally ignored.

"Just shut up yoongi, you are saying this because your daughter is praising me hpmh." Jin spoke with a huff, the youngsters giggle at him.

"But dad, how can you break that mic. I saw how you sneakily put it back after breaking it." A boy spoke making namjoon scratch his nap being embarrassed.

"Beomgyu, he is the god of destruction for a reason. Breaking things is his hobby." Hobi spoke with a giggle.

"And dad, I saw you as well. Why were you staring at a girl reporter like you will kill her?" A girl asked frowning.

"Minji that girl was cursing at dad's first love that's why." A boy spoke making others laugh at minji's confused expression.

"My baby, hyunjin is right, the girl had 'fuck you sprite' written on her t shirt." Enuwoo spoke shaking his head being done with his husband.

"That's not my fault, how can she wear something like that." Hobi spoke with a frown.

"Never say anything against sprite or be ready to face  hobi uncle's anger." Hanni spoke giggling.

"Where is kookie uncle jun?" A handsome boy with dimples asked.

" Dad went to get ice cream for all of us bin." Yeonjun replied with a soft smile looking at soobin who nodded.

They all were talking among themselves when tae's phone ringed. He picked up the call with a wide smile.

"Yes kookie, where are you?" Tae asked but the wide smile changed into a frown when he heard an unknown voice from the other side.

"Am I speaking to the husband of the phone owner?" The man from the other side.

"Yeah, it's me. But who are you and why is my husband's phone with you?" Tae asked, everyone looked at him being all silent.

"The owner of the phone has gotten in an accident. We are currently taking him to Seoul hospital, he asked me to call his husband before he fainted." The man spoke making tae's eyes wide.

"A-accident?" Tae asked shuttering in shock.

"Yeah, please reach here quickly. " The man spoke and disconnected the call.

"Mama, what happened? Who was on call?" Yeonjun asked worriedly once he saw tears flowing from tae's eyes.

"It was... It was some unknown man. He...he called from your dad's phone. Kookie has gotten in... An accident." Tae spoke looking at yeonjun whose eyes went wide too, other were shocked hearing this too.

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