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It's the connection,
We can't explain~~~


A week later.

Today was again a Sunday that means it was the day for taekook's date. But they weren't going out, or to any special place. Well it started when Jungkook asked tae where he want to go on their third date and received the answer with he never thought he will get.

Tae asked Jungkook that he wanted to meet Jungkook's hyungs as the elder had told about them to tae many times. Understanding tae's feelings Jungkook decided that this Sunday they will be spending time with his family aka his hyungs.

Currently taekook were walking to jungkook's house that wasn't too away from the store. Even tho Jungkook asked if tae want they can take the taxi but tae refused, and so they were walking in silence, their hands interlocked together.

Tae was left in awe as the house came in the view. It wasn't as big as his mansion but looked pretty and cozy from outside, there was a small garden outside where beautiful flowers were blooming just like the love in their heart. Jungkook lead tae to the door as he opened it, everyone in the house knew that today Taehyung jungkook's boyfriend is coming as so they all were at home taking half day leaves.

Everyone's attention went on the door which was pushed softly as Jungkook entered inside with a beautiful angel inside. All of their has their mouth parted as this was the first time they saw such a beauty. While tae was too busy admiring the cozy house that he didn't noticed the people present in the living room.

But Jungkook did noticed his hyungs reaction and shook his head. He fake coughed to snap them out of their daze. Everyone shut their mouth and smiled at Jungkook.

"Kookie, your house is so beautiful and cozy. I love it." Tae spoke in his smooth voice making Jungkook smile softly.

"I am glad you love it love. Come let me introduce you with my hyungs." Jungkook spoke putting his palm on tae's waist as he motioned towards the 5 people who wave at tae who waved back at them.

"Namjoon hyung the eldest and smartest." Jungkook spoke.

"Hii, nice to meet you hyung." Tae spoke waving at namjoon who smiled and dimples came on his face making tae's eyes shine.

"Oh my, you have dimples. It's so cute." Tae spoke like a child making everyone cooe at him along with Jungkook.

"Then this is yoongi hyung, second eldest and the most savage one." Jungkook spoke pointing at yoongi who smiled showing his gummy teeths.

"Hiii, nice to meet you too hyung." Tae spoke smiling showing his boxy smile.

"Then this is the third eldest hobi hyung." Jungkook spoke and flich along with tae when hobi spinned his body and did a bow making tae giggle at the silly hyung.

"I forgot to say he is the silly hyung as well." Jungkook spoke getting a glare by hobi which he totally ignored.

"Nice to meet you as well hobi hyung." Tae spoke with soft giggles.

"Then this is jin-" "I am world wide handsome guy, Jin." Jin was quick to cut of Jungkook who sighed and tae was again giggling at the handsome hyung.

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