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I hate when someone looks at you,
The way only I can~~


"Well, I haven't knew Jungkook has so many famous people as his family." Ji Eun joked.

"Oh, aunt we aren't that famous." Jimin spoke smiling shyly.

"Jimin believe me you are more famous than you all think. Everyone in the Seoul knows about you, after all you all are the rising choreographer, producer and rappers. And Jin never knew someone can bake so delicious cakes and cookies. " Ji Eun spoke making the boy's smile at her.

"Yeah, right. The jinnie's Baker is famous in the whole Korea now. And Jimin, hobi your dance steps are going viral on tiktok. Well yoongi I don't think I have to say this, but the songs you producer are all breaking the records one after another, namjoon your rapers are my personal favourite, the way you deliver message through them is absolutely stunning." Jong suk complimented them making Jungkook chest to fill with pride, why not his hyungs are getting praised by his in laws.

"That's so sweet of you Mr and Mrs Kim, we are glad to know you like our passion towards our work." Jin spoke smiling at them.

"Don't be formal, you are jungkook's hyungs and he is our family that makes you all our family too, just call us aunt and uncle. And Jungkook you start calling us mama and papa." Ji Eun spoke they all nodded at her words.

"By the way Jungkook you are the owner of the family's restaurant' right?" Lina asked trying to get jungkook's attention, who hummed in response.

"Yeah, I had heard about it alot. I must say that restaurant is famous for it's different variety of foods and as it's running from years it is one of the old restaurant right." Lina spoke making tae to giggle softly.

"Why are you giggling tae, didn't I said something funny?" She asked trying to not look angry.

"Of course Lina, kookie has started the restaurant just 4 years back, how is it one of the old restaurant." Tae spoke giggling more, while Lina gritted her teeths at tae's words.

"So what, she didn't knew about it. But still you shouldn't laugh at her tae." Ji-yun spoke sternly.

"Let's go to dinning area, I guess the dinner is ready." Ji Eun spoke trying to  ignore ji-yun's comment.

They all gathered around the dinning table. Tae sat beside Jungkook who smiled at him, but tae sighed frustratedly when Lina pulled the chair to the other side of Jungkook, that made Jungkook between Lina and tae.

"Kookie, try this I asked aunt Han to make this special for you." Tae spoke serving Jungkook the black bean noodles.

"Don't you think, you should make something for your boyfriend by your own?" Lina spoke in a taunting way, as she knows tae have no knowledge in cooking. Hearing this tae stopped his movement. 'She isn't wrong ' he thought.

"Why making something with such beautiful hands and hurt them, I would love ,if you just feed me the food love." Jungkook spoke softly noticing his love's face.

"With my hands?" Tae asked and blushed, feeling butterflies when Jungkook nodded.

"I will feed you kookie." Tae spoke taking the chopsticks and feeding him the noddles.

"Yummy?" He asked.

"Too much, you know why?" Jungkook asked and tae shook his head.

"Because you are feeding me with so much love." Jungkook spoke and pecked tae's cheeks. Lina glared at tae who was happily feeding Jungkook feeling lucky to know that other knows how to make him happy and excepts him with his flaws.

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