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I want all of my last,
With you~


The video stopped, everyone sighed in relief as the scene that was about to come,no one was willing to see. Lina was again laying and was about to take the last piece of her clothes off. But the slide changed and now the pictures started to show on screen.

Lina started to feel every eye on her as the pictures came into view, all the pictures had her with different men. In a more intimate position she edited tae's picture. The pictures went on, ji-yun was in a corner glaring at her daughter. She knew her daughter used to change boyfriends like clothes.

But she didn't know that Lina was working as a  slut more than a model. Lina was now scared, she knew her career is going to be destroyed. But her blood ran cold when the next clip played.

"See, you have to do just one thing, make Jungkook believe tae has affair with you "Lina spoke to the boy standing infront of her who smirked.

"What will I get for doing that?" He asked licking his lips checking out Lina, who roll her eyes knowing damn well what other wanted.

"You will get me for a whole night, I guess that's enough for you." Lina spoke titling her head.

"Yeah that's good but i wanna know why do you want to create misunderstandings between your own cousin and his boyfriend?" The boy asked getting close to her, pulling her to himself through her waist.

"Simple, Taehyung got everything without any struggle. He have a rich life, talent of painting and now the rising ceo of Seoul the Jeon Jungkook. Huh, that bitch thinks he will get everything, nahh. I will make sure he loses Jungkook." She spoke while the boy was busy touching her body, hands roaming all over and lips busy leaving wet kisses on her exposed chest.

"Hmm, I don't care about him and you. I just want you for the whole night, I know it will be fun." He replied not Minding her evil brain, she smirked at him.

"Glad to know, I would like to be wrecked by someone like you as well." She replied tracing her finger on his chest.

Jong-suk's business partner looked at his son who was frozen. He didn't knew what he should do know, his father was always against him doing one night stands. His father even gave him the last warning but being himself he excepted lina's offer and now he can feel his father's burning gaze on him.

Lina was totally finished now, Kim's glared at her hearing whatever she said about tae, while tae shook his head being disappointed at her. He knew she don't like him , but never thought she will do something like this. While Jungkook who furious, he didn't knew about this as well.

He just asked his hyungs to get her all the past information. But this recent one was just known by his hyungs who didn't informed him that yet. But it was not the end. The staff that was playing the projector suddenly came in front of it catching everyone's attention. He confessed that Lina gave him money to show a video. He checked the video and found it was pictures of tae with different men.

The pictures were too dirty, and as he is a professional he understood every picture was edited and thus he didn't played that video, he received a pendrive that had everything that he showed now. He even gave the pendrive that was give to him by Lina to Jong suk.

Everyone was shocked hearing all this, how can a person be so low. Before anyone can do anything a loud sound of slap was heard. The lights turned on and everyone gasped when they saw Lina ok the floor, a cut at the corner of her lips, while Jungkook was standing burring dragger to her soul through his eyes. Fingers curled into a fist.

Lina looked at him with a glare, girl got the audicity to glare at him after doing this much, and being exposed. Great!!

"How dare you slap me?" She asked standing again.

"Huh? You want me to tell you how dare me. Ok." Jungkook spoke and another slap landed on her cheeks making Jungkook's hand prints to be on her cheeks. Everyone gasped at the second slap, tae rushed to Jungkook holding his hands to stop him.

"You think, you are the queen. HOW DARE YOU TRY TO CREATE MISUNDERSTANDINGS BETWEEN ME AND MY LOVE. HOW DARE YOU TO THINK OF DOING SOMETHING SO LOW. ANSWER ME YOU SLUT." jungkook's voice echoed in the silent hall, everyone felt shivers hearing the loud demanding voice.

"JUST THE WAY HE HAS BEEN SNATCHING WHAT I LIKE. FIRST HE HAVE THW LIFE I WANTED, THEN HE GOT YOU. HE SUCH A LUCKY BITCH, GETTING EVERYTHING FOR HIMSELF --" She didn't completed her words as another slap landed on her cheeks but this time it was on another cheek.

Taekook along with other stared at ji Eun who was fuming in anger.

"Jong suk, call the police. I want this thrash to rot in jail, and make sure she never get out from there." She spoke glaring at Lina who shook her head, eyes started to roam around to find her mother, running to her she spoke.

"Mom, ask aunt to not do this to me." She spoke holding ji-yun' hands who jerked her daughter's grip glaring at her.

"I am not your mom anymore, I KIM JI-YUN DISOWN MY DAUGHTER KIM LINA. I have no daughter, and there is no connection of mine with you." She declared making Kim's surprise. The police came an arrested Lina who tried to get free, her career was gone, her reputation was gone and now she have to live her whole life in jail.

"My baby are you ok? You are not uncomfortable right? I am sor sorry you have to go through so much." Jong-suk can't help but smile softly at jungkook's words.

What was he sorry for? He thought.

"Why are you saying sorry, it's not you fault kookie. And yeah I am fine, but are you ok?" Tae asked and Jungkook gave him a soft nod.

Ji-yun left from there being embarrassed to even face Kim's, while tae's family, friends and jungkook's hyung's  praised Jungkook for slapping Lina.

Jungkook thanked his hyungs for helping him, and tae also thanked them for saving the situation on time, other wise he can't even think what could have happened if any of the edited pictures came out.

Jong suk and jieun felt blessed to get such a nice people for their son, today they all proved that they will take care of tae, maybe more then his own parents.

While tae can't thank god enough to give him a lover as Jungkook and second family as his hyungs. He was glad to have so many people around him who cared and loved him. And he is sure he won't let go of any of them.

Jong-suk's business partner came to Jong-suk to ask for forgiveness behalf of his son. Jong-suk forgave him but said he won't be doing any business with the man again.

The man kicked his son out from his house and family Because he was done with him. The guest started to go home and so the close ones took their leave too.


To be continue...

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