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In a room full of art,
I'd stare at you~~


Taehyung along with his parents were already at the huge exhibition hall, the paintings made by him were hanging on the walls. Each and every painting has its own emotions, that tae portrayed perfectly.

The other people like celebrities, famous businessmen and many famous personalities were invited to the exhibition. Why not after all this was tae's first exhibition. Jong-suk has made sure that the whole Korea should acknowledge the talent of his son.

The media was invited as well, camera men were busy capturing the pictures of beautiful paintings. Tae was meeting some of his known people like his University friends and his father's business partners. While Lina and ji-yun were standing in a corner sipping wine and rolling their eyes at tae's happy face.

"Look at his face, he is showing off way too much. Getting a rich boyfriend and then doing all this." Ji-yun spoke.

"Don't worry mom, today he will lose that rich boyfriend of his to me. I have already made the plan to separate them." Lina spoke, ji-yun looked at her daughter with a confused face, she smirked and pointed at a man who winked at her, as she winked back.

"What's your plan?" Ji-yun asked.

"You will know soon." Lina spoke sipping the wine.

Tae was glancing at the main door occasionally, waiting for Jungkook and his hyungs to arrive. His friends didn't arrived yet.

"Don't worry bear, they all will be here soon." Ji Eun spoke patting tae's shoulder who sighed and nodded.

He started to talk with someone. Soft murmurs broke in the hall, when 6 people walked inside. Their eyes finding just one face, totally ignoring all the murmuring around them.

"Love." Jungkook called making half of the people present gasp. While hearing his favourite voice tae looked behind.

"Kookie." He spoke and walked towards Jungkook who had a wide smile on his face, opening his arms he took his love in a loving hug.

"I thought you won't come." Tae mumbled near jungkook's chest.

"How can I not come to you love. It's your special day, then how come I won't be here." Jungkook spoke pecking the crown of tae's head.

"Ahm ahm. We are here too." Jimin spoke fake coughing taking the love birds attention.

"Oh yeah, welcome hyungs." Tae spoke backing away from the hug.

"Thank you, and congratulations this is from all of us." Jin spoke giving tae a huge bouquet of flowers as a congratulating gift.

"Thank you so much, come I will show you all around." Tae spoke.

"Wait, won't you take my gifts" Jungkook asked.

"You have brought something for me, what is it?" Tae asked getting excited.

Jungkook chuckled and pulled out a purple velvet box, tae's eyes shinned when he saw a beautiful ring inside the velvet box. Taking the ring out Jungkook shoved the box back in his pocket.

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