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You are not just in my heart,
You are my heart~~


Next day ...

Tae looked at himself for the last time, he smiled when he heard the sound of horn. Taking his small purse he walked down, Mrs Han gave him a thumbs up to which he smiled.

He walked towards the main door, and stepped out of the house. A soft smile came on his lips as he saw the car door opening and the love of his life coming out. He walked towards the car.

As soon as jungkook's eyes landed on his love, he froze, mind going blank, as he gulped hardly. Why does his love have to be this beautiful each second? He thought.

"How am I looking?" The deep soft voice ringed in jungkook's ears making him snap out of his daze. He looked at tae whose cheeks were already getting pink Seeing the intimate gaze of other on him.

"Perfect, noo. Speaking honestly your beauty can't be described in words. Waah!! I really am lucky to get such a beauty for myself." Jungkook exclaimed dramatically putting his palm over his chest where his heart was beating rapidly.

"Stop being chessy." Tae spoke blushing hard.

"I am not being chessy, I am stating facts my love. That the cherry om top in those red cheeks. Wow!!" Jungkook spoke looking at tae without blinking.

Well we can't blame him too, tae was indeed looking breath taking, wearing a little purple dress, it wasn't any heavy dress, a simple dress but it was tae wearing it, and that made the dress more beautiful.

Well we can't blame him too, tae was indeed looking breath taking, wearing a little purple dress, it wasn't any heavy dress, a simple dress but it was tae wearing it, and that made the dress more beautiful

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"Yeah, right. And what about you, looking so handsome. Are you planning to steal hearts of girls?" Tae asked raising his eyebrows, Jungkook made a thinking face.

"Hmm, you can say that, just the sentence need a little but correction." Jungkook spoke with a smug smile.

"Huh? Then tell me what correction it is needed?" Tae asked feeling a little jealous.

"I am indeed looking handsome to still heart, but not girls. I want to steal heart of a boy, my boy." Jungkook spoke pulling tae close to him by his waist, tae felt blood rushing to his cheeks by the comment.

"That's good, and congratulations." Tae spoke making Jungkook confuse.

"Congratulations? Why?" He asked.

"Congratulations Because you succeed, your boy's heart is already yours." Tae whispered leaning to jungkook's ears leaving a small peck on his ears, making Jungkook feel gossebumps this time. His ears and neck turned red by tae's move. Tae giggled seeing jungkook's state.

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