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For you,
I would steal the stars~~


With a wide grin Jungkook pushed the door of his house. The house was dark and so he thought none of them are back yet. He switched on the lights and we're scattered when he saw everyone sitting in the living room staring at his like hawk's.

"Woh, woh!!! My heart. Why the hell you all were sitting in the darkness?" He asked as he patted his chest to calm his rapid heart beats.

"Where were you?" Jin asked narrowing his eyes.

"Outside the house." Jungkook replied removing his jacket, but hissed when a flying slipper hit his arm.

"Don't try to be smart with me you brat." Jin glared at him.

"Fine, I went out." Jungkook replied putting his hands up as a sign of surrender.

"Hmm, with whom?" Hobi asked wiggling his eyebrows making Jungkook sigh.

"Just tell me you all went to store and didn't find me." Jungkook spoke with a grin.

"Yeah, you are right. And your boss told us you went on a date." Jimin spoke with a pout.

"Well...yeah I went." Jungkook confessed rubbing his nape.

"And you didn't thought you should inform us." Yoongi spoke feeling betrayed.

"That wasn't a date at first but then things happened and it became a date." Jungkook told.

"But still you should have told me, don't I deserve to know that my son in going on dates." Jin spoke wiping his fake tears and everyone sighed knowing the drama has started.

"I am sorry I will inform from next time, happy?" Jungkook asked and immediately received a thumbs up from Jin.

"Now tell us, who is the person? Is that a she or he? Who asked other out? Where did you went? How you met? What was the thing that happened that made it a date? Did you two kissed? Did...mhmmm." jimin's train of questions was stopped as yoongi pressed his palm on his mouth.

"How many more questions you are going to ask? Stop so he will say anything." Yoongi spoke and made a disgusting face when Jimin touched yoongi's palm with his tongue.

"Yuck." He spoke rubbing his palm on jimin's shoulder making Jimin slap his hands.

"Are you both done? So then I can tell you all about my date." Jungkook asked with a done face and gasped when Jin and hobi pulled him and made him sit between them.

"Come on spill the tea." Hobi spoke. And Jungkook started to tell how he met tae. Everyone was listening to him carefully and didn't missed the fond eyes and soft smile on the younger's face as he talked about his now boyfriend.

"Awww, our jungkookie got a boyfriend." Jin spoke nudging on kook's side making him roll his eyes.

"But damn, I thought you were never that brave to confess." Jimin spoke making Jungkook glare at him.

"Why you think so, we didn't raised him as a scaredy cat." Hobi spoke.

Namjoon tapped on his left shoulder making hobi nearly flinch. And everyone to burst out seeing hobi's scared face.

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