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When I found you,
My heart found the home~~


Jungkook just kept staring at tae's face until tae slowly opened his eyes. Both getting lost in each other's eyes, which hold nothing but love for other. Jungkook wanted to lean in again and capture those soft lips, but had to stop when there was a knock on the door.

"Young master." A maid called from outside making tae to stand from jungkook's lap who sighed in displeasure.

"Yes?" Tae asked opening the door with red cheeks.

"Mrs Han sent the snacks for you." She spoke giving him the tray full of snacks.

"Thank you." Taking the tray tae closed the door with his leg and walked towards the small couch in his room. Putting the tray on the table in front of the couch he called Jungkook.

"Come have some snacks." Jungkook nodded standing from the bed he went to sit on the couch. Tae was about to sit next to Jungkook but a soft gasp left from his lips when Jungkook pulled him on his lap back.

"This is perfect." He whispered hugging tae putting his chin on tae's shoulder, tae was back facing him. Both had snacks, talking about random things.

Spending more time with his love Jungkook thought it was time for him to leave, which tae hated. He didn't wanted elder to leave him so early. But Jungkook had some work related to the restaurant, and understanding the situation tae let Jungkook go, with the promise that he will come to meet his love tomorrow.


A week later...

Everything was going smoothly, they all were happy and we're living a peaceful life. The happiest were taekook, they talked the whole night through calls, and met everyday. Now tae's parents were willing to meet Jungkook's hyungs, and so they were invited for dinner today.

To tae's displeasure an unwanted guest came in their house, his aunt and her daughter. His aunt which is his father's cousin, she lives in ilsan, saying honestly tae don't like his aunt and her daughter, why?

Because they both are selfish and have lots of attitude. Her daughter Lina is a model, not a famous one. She just does modelling for the company which can't afford good models. But still she thinks she is beautiful and everyone will fall for her by just looking at her. She always pokes her nose in tae's life, she want to be friends with tae's friends which tae hate the most. And now he wish she didn't try to hit on his boyfriend, Because if she did she won't end up in a good place.

It was evening, the Kim's were situated in the living room, ji Eun and Jong-suk were talking to lina's mother ji-yun. While Lina was telling tae how some boys were trying to hit on her, but she declined as they weren't of her type. While tae just wanted to punch the girls face, why because he knows she was the one hitting on boys.

The door bell ringed catching everyone's attention, a wide smile spread on tae's lips as he heard Mrs Han greeting the guest. Jungkook along with his hyung's walked inside wearing decent clothes. Lina's eyes got stuck on Jungkook who was wearing a red shirt with black pants and pant blazer. He has a soft smile on his face.

Lina blushed as Jungkook looked at her direction thinking he was looking at her, but her face fell when tae stood up and hugged Jungkook who hugged him back

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Lina blushed as Jungkook looked at her direction thinking he was looking at her, but her face fell when tae stood up and hugged Jungkook who hugged him back.

" Welcome." Tae whispered in jungkook's ears smiling widely.

"Thank you." Jungkook whispered back, they both giggled at their silly doings while Lina, rolled her eye.

' Why do he gets all the good things for himself?' she thought looking at tae with a glare.

"Welcome to my house hyung's." Tae spoke side hugging Jungkook.

"Thank you so much tae, it's glad meet you after so long." Namjoon spoke smiling at him.

"Yes, and I have to say you are still so beautiful and cute." Jimin spoke making tae smile shyly and thank him.

Tae introduced jungkook's hyungs to his family and video versa. Tae then introduced Jungkook with his aunt and sister.

"Hey, I am Kim Lina nice to meet you." Lina spoke forwarding her hand for handshake which tae held before Jungkook making Jungkook smile internally.

"Same here, love here cupcakes for you." Jungkook spoke taking the paper bag from Jin and giving it to tae who smiled widely taking the paper bag. He took the box out and opened it just to lick his lips Seeing the delicious cupcakes.

"Thank you kookie." He spoke placing a soft kiss on jungkook's cheeks who smile widely showing his bunny teeths.

"It's my pleasure my love." He spoke.

"Tae he made them by his own." Hobi spoke making Jungkook glare at him.

"Why are you glaring at hobi hyung? You didn't wanted to tell me?" Tae asked with a pout.

"No, it's just... Maybe the cupcakes are not that good,so..." He trailed off with a small pout.

"So?" Tae asked with a raised eyebrow.

"So he thought he will leave a bad impression on you." Jimin spoke making tae giggle at the big baby bunny.

"Oh kookie, you have already impressed me enough. And i am 1000 % sure this will taste best." Tae spoke cutely smiling at jungkook.

"Of course it would be after all it's made by such a handsome man like you." Lina spoke with a slutery smile making tae roll his eyes.

"Let's sit and talk, we all are standing here. Sorry for that." Ji Eun apologized.

"No aunt, it's fine. We are ok." Namjoon spoke smiling warmly. They all sat on the couches, Lina tried to sit beside Jungkook but tae was quick to sit beside him and as the couch was for just two she had to sit on different couch.

They all started to talk, taekook were in their own world talking and giggling by their own, others found them cute except Lina. She was burning in jealousy, she was jealous of how tae got someone so handsome like Jungkook.

She was making plans how to get jungkook's attention not knowing instead of getting jungkook's attention she will get his hate and in an attempt of seperating them she will make them more close.


To be continue...

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Stay tuned cutiesssssssss...

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