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I was meant to be your,
All along,
Even before we met~~


Tae felt gossebumps over his body when Jungkook started to nib his ears. Fisting elders shirt, tae bit his lips to not let out any sinful noise.

Jungkook trailed his lips over tae's jaw from his ears. He started to peck the perfect jawline of his love. Tae started to feel weak under jungkook's touch. The way his hands were roaming all over tae's body, tae felt fire burning in him.

Jungkook licked the jaw till tae's ears making tae Take a sharp breath. Not even letting younger calm Jungkook crashed their lips together, usually their kiss was all soft and slow. But today it felt different, it was like Jungkook was hungry for those lips.

The hard sucks on tae's lips were the proof that today this kiss is full of passion and something more then just love.

Jungkook gripped tae's waist pulling him more closer if that was even possible, their body being stick like magnet. Tae has his hands pressed on jungkook's chest where he can feel jungkook's heart raising just like his.

Jungkook titled his head to left brought one hand to tae's nape cupping it from behind to deepen the kiss. Jungkook bite tae's bottom lips asking for younger to part his lips, but tae was so lost in moving his lips against the soft ones that he didn't understood the signal.

Smirking in the kiss, Jungkook moved his hands from the small waist to the perky ass, grooping it with his palm, feeling the grip tae gasped, giving the chance to Jungkook to enter his tongue inside the wet mouth of other.

Tae moaned in the kiss when their tongue clashed, Jungkook sucked his tongue making him moan again. The kiss lined for more then 5 minutes, none of them wanted to part their lips , wanting nothing but to devour each other's soft lips.

But because of their burning lungs that needed some oxygen they parted their lips, with a string of saliva connecting them. Jungkook licked it making sure his lips swap on tae's. He opened his eyes slowly and felt something harden down there seeing the messed up state of his love.

Tae had sweat drops on his forehead which made some of his hair strands to stick on his forehead, red cheeks Because he was shy, lips fully red and swallowed, lips parted to catch the air.

Jungkook just stared at the mesmerizing site infront of him till tae calmed a bit, he so wanted to lay the younger under him and make love. But not now, he can't do it before wedding, he still don't have that right. And to calm himself and earse those not so innocent thoughts Jungkook pulled tae in his embrance.

Hugging each other closer they felt peace. " I love you." Jungkook smiled when he heard tae mumbling near his chest.

"I love you more." He spoke leaving a peck on tae's forehead.


"Good morning everyone." Ji Eun greeted seeing her guest walking towards the dinning table.

"Good morning aunt." Jin and others greeted back pulling chairs for themselves. Lina an ji-yun were already sitting on their respective chairs along with ji Eun and Jong suk.

They all waited for the two youngers and chuckled when they both came in site, tae was again clinging on Jungkook like a koala, hugging him tightly, legs wrapped around jungkook's waist.

While Jungkook had the whipped smile on his face, as he carried his love like baby, Lina rolled her eyes seeing this along with her mother. While others smiled widely seeing their most close people happy together.

"Baby, we reached, will you like to stay like this or sit on other chair." Jungkook asked softly, Jimin was quick to pull out his phone and click taekook's picture.

"Stay close to you." Tae mumbled face hidden in Jungkook's crook of neck. Jungkook chuckled with a hum, he walked towards the chair and sat there with the baby koala on his lap.

"Why are you behaving like a baby, huh? Don't you have any shame, sitting on your boyfriend's lap in front of elder." Ji-yun spoke in a taunting tone. Before Jungkook or tae can speak to someone else shut her mouth.

"At least, he is sitting on his Own boyfriend's lap, not like your daughter who just knows how to seduce boys and sit on another person's boyfriend's lap." Ji Eun fired back, making Lina embarrassed and ji-yun to glare at her.

"You can't say anything against my daughter." She spoke.

"Same goes for you, don't say anything about my son." Ji Eun spoke glaring back.

"Kookie, I am hungry." Tae tickled jungkook's skin under his chin, making him giggle.

"They don't even care what drama is going on." Jin spoke shaking his head at taekook.

"It's good tho, let them enjoy their time, those mother daughter duo don't even deserve their attention." Namjoon spoke.

"What do you want to eat love?" Jungkook asked.

"Pancakes." Tae replied with a nod Jungkook served the pancakes in his plate and started to feed tae. After ji Eun's reply ji-yun wasn't able to say anything so she went silent.

"The weather is better now, I guess we all should leave." Yoongi spoke looking at the clear sky from the window.

"Yeah, right. We all have to go to work." Hobi spoke.

"Hmm." Jungkook hummed looking at tae who pouted wanting Jungkook to stay more.

"Tae bear, don't you think you are forgetting something." Ji Eun spoke making tae's eyes wide.

"Oh yes!! Kookie, hyungs tomorrow is my painting exhibition, will you all come to attend it?" He asked.

"Of course we will how can we miss our cute bear's exhibition." Jimin spoke pinching tae's cheeks.

"We will come love." Jungkook assured making tae smile  widely.

"Thank you." Tae spoke pecking his cheeks.

'huh? You are being happy, just wait and see how I will end all these lovey-dovey moments of yours tomorrow.' Lina thought with an internal smirk. They all bid byes and left the Kim's mansion.

Next chapter.

A man had his hands wrapped around tae's waist, while Jungkook is looking at them from afar as he was standing with his hyung's.

"Didn't I said, you are one of the many boyfriends of his." Lina spoke pointing at tae. Jungkook had a blank expression as he walked towards younger, who was not at all comfortable with the touch on his waist.


To be continue...

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