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I want to love you, hold you,
And be with you, until we grow old~~


Tae stood at the beginning of stairs as he stopped working, eyes stuck on the figure sitting in the living room talking to his parents. He can't believe his eyes, is the man really there or he is hallucinating.

"Didn't I said you will regret young master." Mrs han's soft voice made tae realize he wasn't dreaming.

"Kookie." He called elder whose head snapped to his love's voice. Eyes getting stuck on his beautiful love standing on the beginning of stair looking beautiful in just a printed shirt and pajamas.

"Love." He called, Jungkook stood up to walk near tae who ran on the stairs. Jungkook just took a step ahead but stumbled back a little when tae jumped on him. Locking his legs on Jungkook's waist, circling his arms around jungkook's neck, tae hide his face in his kookie's neck. Jungkook had his hands wrapped on tae's waist securingly.

Tears gathered in their eyes as they felt each other's warmness. Jungkook burried his face in tae neck as well. Tear ls slipped from their eyes. The wait of meeting other was very painful for them. But now that they are together they feel heaven on earth.

"My love." Jungkook whispered making tae broke in sobs. Kim couple and Mrs Han had glossy eyes seeing the lovers getting united after 4 years.

"Koo-kie." Tae whispered back, Jungkook closed his eyes to feel his love in his arms grip getting tight as he wanted this moment to never end. Holding tae close to him was all he want.

Both stood there like that, eyes closed tears of happiness flowing from their eyes. The other three people let them have their time. But thinking they both might end up crying like this till tomorrow, Jong-suk cleared his throat.

"Bear, let him sit." He spoke but tae tightened his hold on Jungkook shaking his head wanting to be just in his kookie's arms.

"Baby, he will get tired." Ji Eun spoke to let tae know his whole weight was on Jungkook which might tire the boy.

"Are you tired?" Tae asked pulling his face away from jungkook's neck and looking at him with his puppy eyes.

"I can never be tired holding you." Jungkook replied with a soft smile making the three people chuckle. This bunny is just too whipped for tae.

"Ok fine, atleast take him to your room tae, and talk to him there. As we don't think we should disturb you both." Ji Eun spoke and tae immediately nodded making her chuckle.

"Aunt Han, send snacks for kookie. His favourite one, you know which right." Tae asked still being carried by Jungkook.

"I know young master, I will send it to your room." Mrs Han spoke.

"Kookie, take me to my room." Tae spoke looking at jungkook who nodded.

"Where is your room by the way." He asked as he started to step on the stairs carefully.

"Ok left." Tae spoke pointing at the left direction. Jungkook hummed and walked upstairs with hus love in his arms.


"I missed you." Tae spoke for the 9th time. They are in tae's room for more then 10 minutes. Tae is now sitting on jungkook's lap facing him, hugging him close, snugging his face in jungkook's neck.

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