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Every part of me
Wants you~~


After being embarrassed Lima stood up, carefully this time. Glaring at Jimin who was giggling, she walked towards the washroom to wash her face. Not having the clue what was coming next.

Everyone started to mind their own business, tae was pulled by the group of his friends and they had to talk to him about something, while Jungkook walked near Jin and Jimin who did a high five.

"That was good, everyone had fun." Jungkook spoke with a small smirk.

"I know right, it was so funny when she fell on the floor with wine on her face." Jin spoke and started to laugh.

"Hmm, it was indeed too funny. But Jungkook don't you think it's very less compared to the thing she tried to do." Jimin spoke.

"He is right Jungkook, she was trying to create misunderstandings between you and tae, will you leave her just with this small punishment." Jin asked with not so satisfied look.

"You both really think I am that good. Well I am, but not with bitches like her. I had already asked yoongi hyung, namjoon hyung and hobi hyung to do something. And her real face will be disclosed to everyone today itself." Jungkook spoke, Jin and Jimin looked at him with a proud look.


"That small human, he threw the marbles on the floor, and I fell. God that was hella embarrassing." Lina spoke doing her make up in the washroom.

"No worries, I have a back up plan. They think only they know all this. Huh, let me show you all what the real game is." She spoke while gritting her teeth. Applying the lipstick she walked out.

Today along with these physical paintings ,there were some paintings that were supposed to be shown through a projector screen. These were some of the most beautiful paintings made by tae, tae has put all his emotions and efforts in those two three pictures and he doesn't even want to even touch them except him and his kookie.

So he has made a whole ppt, to show the world these paintings. As the exhibition was nearing its end, the man who was given the task to show the PPT on the projector was getting ready with all the setups. Lina looked around to make sure no one saw her getting near the staff.

She walked near him and placed a huge amount of money on the desk where his laptop was, he looked at her with a smirk.

"Play this in the middle of the PPT." She spoke giving him a pendrive, he gave an assuring nod and Lina left from there.

The pen drive had tae's picture with different men, all were edited. In each picture tae's was in very intimate postion with the men, in their laps, kissing them, under them on the bed, while there was one where his whole clothes were off while he was sitting on another man who was naked as well.

Lina has two motives to play this video, one to make tae a slut in jungkook's eyes, second she wanted tae to get hate instead of love. And it was obvious when media was here, the news of tae being a slut won't stop in this four walls, as soon as media will see this they will try to show it on their channel and tae will get just hate by the citizens of Korea.

"May I have your attention please, everyone please gather around the big white screen. There are some special and important paintings of Mr Kim Taehyung which he would like to show us through a video." The host of today announced.

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