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You are that part of my life,
That I will always need~~


Double update....

Tae looked at his parents with a sad face and ran to his room as soon as kook was out of the mansion. Slamming the door with a loud thud, he slid leaning on the door. Tears escaping his beautiful eyes, the words Jungkook said ringed in his ears.

He buried his face between his knees sobbing at the pain he was going through. At the beginning of the day he was all happy preparing for his love to be at his house, and now he is regretting inviting at his house. Neither Jungkook came here, nor any of this would have happened.

Ji Eun and Jong-suk on the other side felt hurt seeing their son. They knew tae would be sobbing and he won't even listen to them. Ji Eun called tae's friends who were the only ones that can calm tae down. And none of them thought twice before cancelling their every work and rushing to Kim's mansion.


"Kook, come sit." Namjoon called Jungkook who just stepped out from the room, wearing his casual clothes eyes and nose red Because of all the crying. Jungkook walked and sat on the couch between namjoon and Jin.

"Ok, should we begin the discussion." Hobi asked and everyone gave him a nod.

"Let's first think about what kind of business kook should do." Jin suggested and everyone started to run their minds trying to come up with a perfect business to start.

"How about a clothing company." Jimin suggested but before kook yoongi shook his head.

"No Jimin, we can't start a clothing company because it needs lots of capital. We should have that much money that we can hire someone to sew the clothes, then we need a shop to sell those clothes, and before that we have to design the clothes which might be tough as well." Yoongi spoke and Jimin nodded understanding the point.

"How about we start selling electronic items, that means we will but it then will sell it." Hobi suggested.

" It will be costly as well, we should have that money that we can buy lots of stock of items. And plus none of us has too many ideas regarding this thing. And it is a very common thing nowadays too." Namjoon spoke.

"Then how about a restaurant." Jin suggested.

"I don't think restaurant will be less costly either." Jimin spoke. But something strikes in jungkook's mind making him smile a little.

"We can't open a big restaurant, but we can start a small street side restaurant or  something like that." Jungkook spoke, everyone started to think about his idea.

"Hmm, the idea isn't bad. But still we  need some place to sell the food." Yoongi spoke.

"Hey there's a small van in the garage where I work. The boss said that the van is of no use, as no one is going to buy it. How about I talk to him and take that van for our street side restaurant." Hobi suggested.

"But if the van isn't in a good condition how we will use it?" Jimin asked.

"Don't worry about that, I will repair it myself. And I guess my boss will give it for free too." Hobi spoke and Ray of hope developed in kook's heart, maybe he can do this.

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