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Eye contact and a heart beat.
That's how it begin~~~


Tae along with his friends walked towards the conventional store( why do I feel like there is something wrong with the spelling).

Tae was talking with others when he saw a cute 4 years old boy walking inside the store, where they were supposed to go. The boy was all alone and seemed lost. Tae was about to call him but saw he already entered Inside.

They all walked more closer and stepped in everyone walked inside and directly went to the section where they might find the ingredients except tae, who stood near the door seeing the same boy conversing with a male. The male's back was facing him and so be wasn't able to see other. But he heard the conversation which made his heart melt.

2 minutes before. As the small boy entered inside kook saw him looking at the store with wide eyes. He looked at the door thinking the boy's parents might be behind but even after 2 minutes no one came. Kook walked out from his place as he was standing behind the counter. He crotched to the boy's level and tapped on his shoulder.

The little boy looked behind and then stared at kook with confused eyes.

"Hii." Jungkook spoke waving at the boy.

"Hii." The boy waves back.

"May I know your name little one." Jungkook asked softly.

"Min-min." The boy muttured softly.

"Min-min nice name. Where are your parents?" Kook asked.

"Parents... Min min no parents." The boy mumbled making Jungkook to feel sad for the boy.

"Ohhh, do min min have any family." Jungkook asked feeling pity for the boy.

"Yes, min min family Emily." The boy spoke with shinning eyes.

"Emily? Who is Emily? Jungkook asked with a frown.

"Emily, min min best friend." Min min spoke.

"Ok, min min how you came here." Jungkook asked.

"Min min hungry so he came." The boy spoke making Jungkook nod.

"Ohhh, so what min min want to eat?" He asked.

"Ice cream." Min min spoke making kook chuckle.

"Ice cream, ok. I will get you one." Jungkook spoke getting up totally unknown that a person behind him was hearing his all talks with the boy.

"No min min no money." The boy muttured with a pout.

"No worries, I will pay for you." Jungkook spoke but the boy shook his head making Jungkook frown.

"Aunty say, don't take anything from stran-ger." The boy muttured making Jungkook hum.

"Ok but I am not a stranger, I am will be your friend." Jungkook spoke.

"But min min don't know your name." The boy spoke with a pout.

"My name is Jungkook." Kook spoke.

' Jungkook' tae thought staring at the male's back with a soft smile.

"Jungle book." Min min spoke making Jungkook shake his head.

"Not jungle book, it's jung-kook." Kook corrected.

"Jungle cook." Min min spoke making Jungkook sigh.

"Not jungle cook. It's Jung kook. Forget it call me whatever you like." Jungkook accepts his defeat.

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