Chapter 4

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Today is Monday.

Since the party on Saturday I have been chatting with Jessica, she seems kind of nice actually. Not the kind of nice I would date though, I think we are better off as friends - even if the sex was great.

Toby is pissed, I left him at the party, don't ask me how he figured that out since he was sleeping, but let's just say I have my guesses, and Zoe is having some fancy family trip to Europe, lucky her.

I am currently lounging in the library, not that I would actually touch a book, but the atmosphere in here is nice and since I have no one to talk to except Jessica, I grab my phone again.

Me: "whats up"

Jess🌸: "grabbing lunch real quick"

Jess🌸: "what r u up to?"

Me: "nothing much"

Jess🌸: "wanna meet up later?"

I am about to affirm her question as someone snatches my phone out of my hand.

"What the fu-"

"Who are you sexting?" A grinning Toby is standing in front of me.

"That girl from the party, right?"

"Give it back already." Successfully snatching the device out of his grip.

One thing about Toby is that he can never hold a grudge for too long. We know each other since we were kids, we met in kindergarten actually. And since then, we have been thick as thieves.

"Her name is Jessica if you must know." I try to act annoyed, let's just say that acting is not one of my talents. He reads my like an open book.

"You blushing?"

"Shut up, drop it already."

Accidentally leaving her on read I follow my best friend out of the library, towards the boys changing room. I can already feel my muscles aching, I sigh, practice will be fun today.


Turns out, practice was fun today. Coach decided to focus our conditioning. Endless rounds of laps, along with Oliver's snarky remarks and me barking back really drained me.

After parking my car outside, I enter the house. Surprised that my mum is actually home, sleeping. Having probably overworked herself again, she passed out on the coach. Not wanting to wake the women, I silently grab the blanket next to her and place it over her body, before I leave the room again.

With less than ten minutes to spare, before my shift begins, I settle for a protein bar, before quickly doing the dishes of the last few days.

Having double checked that every light is turned off, I decide to jog to work, which turns out to be a rather bad idea, considering today's training.

As I arrive at the little supermarket, I am immediately greeted by a Japanese-looking women behind the counter - Ming, the owner of this humble shop and probably the reason why I sometimes look forward to working here.

After flashing her a wide grin, I make my way to the back, where I am confronted by a shit ton of boxes. I pick up the first box, reminding myself of the soreness of my muscles - just perfect.

Having stacked away all the new items, I fish out my headphones from the back of my pocket. Armed with an old mop and a bucket full of water I make my way through the aisles. It is currently 11pm. My shift still lasts about an hour before I close everything up, Ming left about an hour ago. She trusts me enough to run the shop alone, which I highly value her for.

I must have zoned out somewhere between Arctic Monkeys and Chase Atlantic in the last couple of minutes because I don't realize the person approaching me from behind. I turn around immediately expecting some pissed costumer, instead I am greeted with a pleased-looking Oliver. Asshole.

"Wow, you can't even do your job. I am disappointment with you Anderson." He fake lectures me.

"Save it, Thompson."

Without saying anything else, he grabs a bottle of lube next to me and walks towards the counter. Having to do my job, I eventually make my way to the checkout, but not before making sure to take as long as possible while packing away my cleaning supplies. I smile.

"Stop smiling idiot." His voice cutting right through the thin air between us.

Not answering him, I scan the barcode in a painfully slow pace, to piss him off even more, which seems to be working according to the growing irritation in his face. Serves the fucker right.

"I suggest some strawberries to make up for your lack of dick to the poor girl." I flash him a knowing grin.

My teasing seems to hit a spot because Oliver's face is now decorated with a murderous look. Shit. I stop smiling, feeling the growing tension between us. I can already feel the ghost of a punch in my face, but to my surprise, he collects himself rather quickly.

"Is my baby boy jealous?" His mocking tone flipping me off instantly.

But before I get to say anything in return, he turns around and leaves the shop. Disappearing into the night. A ghost of a smirk still evident on his face.

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