Chapter 30

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Who does that little fucker think he is? I mean I know that Isaac and Jayden know each other but I thought they were friends, why would they even kiss in front of the whole student body?

I don't know why but since Isaac's eyes met mine before, my blood is boiling. I am more than pissed actually. My eyes focus on the boy again, the boy that is currently standing next to the asshat.

Are they really together? Why is Isaac laughing with him like nothing ever happened? Does Isaac lov-

I stop. That is enough thinking, I decide and exhale dramatically.

One thing is for sure, I need to interrupt their little moment, right fucking now. I can't stand the sight of those idiots smiling at each other. Isaac should smile at me and not Jayden for fuck's sake.

Before my thoughts can catch up with me again, I make the first step towards the boys. I haven't decided on what to say or what to do, but that is not important, as long as I stop whatever that is between them from growing. Call it jealousy, i call it Operation Get-Isaac-To-Hate-Me-Even-More-So-He-Forgets-About-That-Stupid-Asshole-I-Don't-Like.

"That was so sweet." I say in a mocking voice. Both boys turn their heads immediately.

"Fuck off, Oscar." Isaac says annoyed. Jayden looks surprised to see me, didn't he realize I was there before?

"No, I won't." Not my best counter, I must admit.

"You. You know him, Isaac?" Jayden turns towards Isaac, who nods his head in confusion.

"Yeah, why?" Isaac questions. Why does Jayden react like that? Oh, right, I tackled him in the diner before throwing over his bucket of water.

"Just asking." Jayden defends himself. That was not just asking, the intruder now looks angry at me.

"Let's go Isaac. I've heard the chocolate is good over there." Jayden points towards the chess team, while grabbing Isaac's hand and pulling him behind him, out of my sight. That fucker. Isaac follows suit without any protest.


It is around 10pm.

The mass of people, including Jayden, from before long gone, as well as most of the guys. Only me, Landon, Ant and Isaac are left, we still have to clean up and tear our booth down. A job that most of the other students already did, what can I say our booth was just this successful, we had other things to do.

I quickly look at Isaac who is sitting on the chair next to our booth. He looks tired, worn out, that guy needs some serious sleep. He still somehow manages to look good, damn. I must look like shit by now.

Before Isaac can turn his head and catch me staring at him, I focus my gaze on the big booth in front of me and sigh. Whose idea was that again? Right, Isaac's idiot friend Toby, who is nowhere to be found. Probably sleeping in his bed by now - great help, thanks.


An hour later and even more tired than before, we, as a team, manage to clean up the last few grains of dust off the floor. I could fall asleep right here, right now and by the looks of it that problem doesn't only concern me. Even Landon looks worn out.

I suddenly remember the school's vending machine that - you guessed it - sells ice cold drinks. Oh, what I would give for a cool can of coke right now. I make my way towards the exit of the hall, without looking back.

A second later, I stand in front of the glass of the machine and then I realize it. I don't carry any money at the moment, only my phone, but this antique of a vending machine doesn't accept cards. Shit. I punch against the black object. I don't deserve this.

My eyes focus on the can of coke behind the pane of glass, small water drops on the outside of the can indicate that the liquid is cool. I would kill for that can, honestly. Like a predator watches it's prey, I stare at the object of my desire. Should I just break in and take it? This thing doesn't have an alarm, does it?



Th-. "You need help?" His voice instantly pissing me off. How did he get behind me, without getting noticed by me. Is he some kind of ninja?

"I am fine, thanks." I flash him a fake grin. The tiredness no longer evident in his face, replaced by amusement. Asshole.

"Ok." he says nonchalant. "Move, then." He demands, he probably had the same idea as me with the only difference that he seems to be carrying money with him.

"Make me." I challenge him, my eyes catch his in a hot moment.

"Don't make this harder than it already is." He cries out in a pained expression. "I am tired, Oscar, could you possibly not bitch around for once?" he says.

To be honest, I act like the biggest douche right now but messing with him is just so easy and rewarding. I can't stop, like a drug.

"I don't think I wi-." Before I get to finish my sentence, Isaac grabs my arm and yanks me away from the machine. I stumble and fall on the ground, hard. Ouch. The boy is now standing in front of the pane, smirking.

I probably deserved that but still, that hurt like a bitch. He didn't need to push me this hard.

"Be a good boy." Isaac now looks at me, one side of his face illuminated by the dim light of the machine. His sharp feature more evident than ever and in that moment, I swear, my heart skipped for a second. I am overwhelmed by the view in front of me.

He seems to realize my situation and lets out a small laugh, while I stand up again.

"You want one?" His question throws me off my game even more. I don't respond, but I don't need to since Isaac is already handing me a can of coke, our hands nearly touch and honestly I would have enjoyed it, really. I wanted it to happen, but it didn't. Hell, what is wrong with me?

Before I get to say anything, Isaac sidesteps me and makes his way to the door, ready to leave again.

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