Chapter 5

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Today is Friday. Since the little incident with a certain black-haired boy nothing really interesting happened.

But one thing that really bothers me since Monday is the fact that Oliver even appeared in the shop to start with. The boy lives on the other end of the city and there are countless shops he could have gone to. Not that I care much, he probably showed up just to piss me off.

"You agree with me Isaac?" The sound of Zoe's voice cutting right through my train of thoughts.

I didn't really pay attention to Toby's and her conversation, something about Marvel again, I guess. Not wanting them to think I didn't give two shits about their meaningless arguing I decide to nod my head.

"Seriously dude, how dare you?" Oh shit. Toby's reaction surprises me. What did I just agree to.

"I knew it. Thanks Iz." Joy is evident in the girl's voice.

"Wait hold on, what?" I try to make sense of the situation.

"You basically just agreed that Chris Evans has a better ass than Chris Hemsworth." My best friend enlightens me, visibly disappointed.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes, zoning out as they start bickering again about yet another meaningless topic. I decide to entertain myself with my phone.

Me and Jessica really share the same humor. Since the party we have been texting back and forth and agreed to just stay friends for now. She is currently visiting her grandma in the hospital and therefore probably won't text back in the near future. Just great, I sigh.

Don't get me wrong I love my friends but I absolutely hate spending time with both of them at the same time. It doesn't matter where we are, they start arguing about the most irrelevant topics. White or dark chocolate. Red or white gummy bears. Tom Holland or Andrew Garfield.

They once had an entire debate about whether The Rock or John Cena has a bigger one, you know. I sometimes really doubt our friendship, not that I don't have any other friends but they are more like acquaintances to me. With Zoe and Toby I am sure that they don't only see me as a chance to push their own popularity - since I am the captain of the football team and therefore considered on of the cool kids around school.


I came home at around 9pm that day to an empty house, of course. Mom texted me before, saying something about taking someone's shift. I sigh, not wanting to bear the emptiness of the building any longer, I grab my keys and make my way towards my car. The only precious possession I own.

I bought this baby after my first job - I worked in a small cafe back when I was 16, plus the money I saved to this day. A red Honda Civic.

I enjoy driving at night. Windows down, Chase Atlantic on repeat, only stopping at the local diner to pick up my order, because the fridge is mostly empty as always. Not that we don't have any money for food but my mom is always out and I can't be bothered to actually go grocery shopping. Protein bars and instant noddles do the trick most of the time.

The smell of greasy food and old oil welcoming me as I enter the little diner. Instantly swallowed by the calm atmosphere - children crying, silent jazz and some guy screaming the next order number. I make my way towards the counter to pick up my ordered food: a large whopper with a side of fries, a big coke and extra cheese sauce on the side.

After a few moments I get my food and try to leave the place. Emphasis on trying because when I turn around I encounter what feels like a brick wall, nearly dropping my food.

"Shit, sorry." A deep voice.

My eyes meet brown orbs. I take the appearance in front of me in. A boy with brown hair, hazel brown eyes, he is a little taller than me. A sharp jawline, defined face and about the same frame as me. He is attractive, I have to admit, in a non-gay way, if that makes sense.

"No damage done." I try to lift the mood by smiling.

He mirrors my smile and sticks out his hand.

"Hi, I am Jayden. Jayden Oswald."

"Hey Jayden. Isaac Anderson." I shake his hand.

"You seem familiar. Have we met before?" He questions.

"I-. Not that I know." I am taken aback by his sudden change of mood.

"Oh yeah, never mind then." He scratches the back of his head, his muscles flexing.

He pauses before speaking again. "Enjoy your food. See u around?"

"Sure." I give him a heads up before finally leaving the place. Not once noticing familiar blue eyes fixated on me since I entered.

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