Chapter 48

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Today is Monday. I am dreading to go to school today, because Ant is still behaving like the biggest douche ever, after what happened between him and Isaac in the cafeteria I distanced myself from the boy. But on the other hand, a certain blond-haired boy will also be there, so I guess it won't be too bad, right?

My gaze roams over the still empty parking lot of the school. No other cars are in sight, maybe because school doesn't start for another half an hour. I know what you are asking yourself now, Oscar why are you here this early, if you don't even want to be here? Well, I don't actually know.

I woke up at 7 am like always, got dressed, ate breakfast and showered. Normally, I wouldn't arrive anywhere near the current time. That's why I am so surprised to actually already standing on the school grounds. What the fuck is wrong with me lately? I decide against waiting for another thirty minutes and get in my car again. I pull out of the school's car park a second later, starting off towards the already busy center of Ferndale, maybe some coffee will do the trick.

A few minutes later, armed with a hot coffee, I find myself behind the steering wheel again, heading towards the old brick building, called Ferndale High - a shithole, if you ask me. As I drive through a very familiar neighborhood I suddenly make out a head of blonde hair, walking carelessly on the pavement next to me, I immediately stop. Lucky me, no car is behind me. I roll the tinted window of my car down in a swift motion, already wearing my signature smirk.

"Good morning, princess." I say, successfully attracting Isaac's attention in the process, who flips me off in return, before he continues walking. Wow, somebody is a little moody today. "Need a ride?" I offer to which he just shakes his head, too quickly for my liking. I decide to not waste my time begging for him and therefore, am about to press the gas pedal again, as the boy finally reacts. "No. Stop!" He abruptly says, while gripping the window frame of my car with his muscular arm.

I am surprised at first, but quickly recover again, unlocking my car in the process. "You are welcome." I say dramatically as the boy's ass touches the leather of the passenger seat to which he just shrugs. That's the gratitude I get, for being a gentlemen, wow. Before I get the chance to rant about his manners and what a bitch he is, Isaac suddenly grabs my coffee from the cup holder and takes a generous sip. I can't believe it. "Wow, I really needed that." He finally says, wiping his mouth in the process.

"Glad you like my coffee preferences." I say with a pissed undertone in my voice, which he simply ignores. "Yeah, blank coffee is not really risky of you." He states, causing the blood in my body to boil instantly. Who does that fucker think he is? What did I fucking do to him?


As we reach the car park again, I turn the car off, but keep the doors locked. Isaac seems to have realized it, because he is now mustering me from the side with a confused look. My passenger suddenly breathes out heavily, before speaking again. "Locking someone up without their consent is actually against the law, just to let you know." He informs me, now smiling.

"I could care less." I return viciously, my grip on the steering wheel intensifies instantly. School hasn't even started and he has already pissed me off twice. Is he on his period or what? "Did you finally bust your car?" I ask, referring to him walking to school. First, he looks pissed, but changes the look on his face rather quickly, now smiling. "To be honest, I misplaced my keys yesterday." He says shyly while scratching the back of his neck.

I stare at the boy dumbfounded, how is this guy even real? I start laughing wholeheartedly, earning myself a displeased look from Isaac. "Stop laughing asshole." He commands, which I bluntly ignore. The boy leans forward in a swift motion and connects his fist with my shoulder, causing me to hiss in pain a second later. "What th-" Now he is the one laughing. "You deserved that." I really like seeing the boy smile, I must say.

We stare at each other, silently appreciating each other presence. To my luck, no other car seems to have arrived yet, making us the only one in the car park right now. A fact I am grateful for, given that we look at each other like two deer caught in the headlight, plus the sight of me and Isaac together in my car is not for everyone's eyes.

I quickly decide that we have looked at each other long enough, and therefore direct my gaze towards the steering wheel again. The boy seems to also wake up again and quickly looks out of the window, the doors are still locked. Maybe it is just my imagination, but I think Isaac is blushing right now.

My gaze wanders towards the digital clock on my wrist, today's first classes start in ten minutes, I therefore decide to finally unlock the car. "You are free to go." A mischievous undertone in my voice. Isaac sighs audibly, before turning around again. He grins at me, before grabbing the coffee that is in my cup holder. "Try not to screw up too much. See you at practice." He says mockingly while exiting my vehicle, the coffee still in his grasp.

"Hey loser." Isaac turn around quickly. "you look good today" Shit, I didn't want to say that. "and I spat in the coffee by the way." Isaac tries to look pissed off, but he reminds me of a puppy right now - a pretty muscular one. The boy takes a quick sip of the drink before answering. "Even better." He says and winks at me in the process, before starting off towards the main entrance of the building, a smile on his face.

Sometimes I really wonder how we ended up in this situation, we are greeting each other and even compliment each other, mostly me, but who cares about that. And again I realize the rapid beating of my heart, the very same heart that is already looking forward to seeing him again. I am so far gone without any chance of returning and I am certain that Isaac feels the same.

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