Chapter 29

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Today is Sunday aka the day of the donation fair.

It is currently 5pm and we have been running our booth since 3pm. Let's just say it is working pretty good, Coach will be more than happy when she realizes how much money we already collected.

Me and Zack are the most popular guys, therefore we get chosen mostly for kisses. Toby stays out of the whole kissing, which is understandable with everything that is going on between him and Zoe at the moment. The rest of the team also receives a few kisses from time to time. Everything for the money, right?

The crowd has simmered down a bit over the last couple of minutes, therefore, I decide to sit down on the chair next to the booth and make myself comfortable. The other clubs are really no competition, the volleyball team is selling ugly ribbons, the chess club went for the classic cookies - lame and the swim team decided on chocolate which is actually not the worst idea - i make a mental note.

"One." I hear a female voice. I look up and see a few girls standing in front of our booth. One of the girls I recognize as Sarah Cameron is handing Landon a dollar, an expecting look on her face. The rest of the girls are giggling, most of them with red cheeks. Oh God. I suppress the urge to roll my eyes.

"There you go. Pick one." Landon gestures towards the team. Her eyes are roaming over the guys, till they stop on no other than Oscar himself.

"That one." She points towards Oscar, who has a nonchalant look on his face. The boy shrugs with his shoulders but makes his way towards the girl a second later. The crowd of females cheering by now. He stops in front of the now blushing girl and closes the distance between them quickly.

The whole interaction lasts pretty long for a "normal" kiss, I must say. First Oscar looked pretty chill but sometime during the kiss his facial expression changed to one of disgust. He looks displeased, but the girl doesn't break the kiss, in fact she deepens it by putting one hand in his neck. They are really made for each other, I decide rather quickly.

The sight in front of me physically cringes me out. She is devouring his face by now. Her tongue long lost in his mouth. Ew. That is gross. A few moments later and the black-haired boy finally breaks the kiss, if you can even call it that. I don't know why but I am relieved. The show that took place here seconds ago wasn't a sight to behold, so I definitely don't need an encore. No, thank you.

The girl reddens completely before she runs off with her group of friends. I hope she doesn't come back for a second round. Oscar is wiping off his mouth with a tissue, understandable. He suddenly looks up and meets my eyes that are already looking at him. In an instant, I shift my focus on something else. Shit.

"Hey Isaac." I hear a familiar voice which causes my mood to light up instantly. Jayden.

"Hey. Glad you made it." I return.

"A kissing booth, huh?" He jokes, an evil smile on his face. Shit, a cold shiver runs down my spine.

"Yeah, Toby's idea." I scratch the back of my head nervously.

"Looks like you are quite popular." He motions to the jar full of dollar bills and smiles.

"Yeah." I say shyly. I don't even need to turn around, I can feel those blue eyes piercing me.

Jayden stops for a second and thinks. And then he does something I did not expect.

He turns towards Landon and hands him a dollar bill. Shit. The guys flash him an confused look, Oscar is glaring by now.

"Congrats, our first male costumer for today." Landon says after taking the dollar. Jayden smiles even more.

"Same for you. Pick one." Landon grins as he looks towards the team. The team which looks more than uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, the guys are not homophobic or something but let's just say they did not expect that from the captain of a rivaling football team. Hell, me neither.

He thinks for a quick second before turning around and pointing at me. My breath starts hitching, shit, shit, shit. Some of the guys cheer while others just exhale dramatically. Fuckers.

"Sorry, but I am only getting the most out of my dollar." Jayden says as he moves towards me again. I am not sure how to act right now. Me and Jayden, we have a history and he knows that I only like him as a friend. He could've picked any other guy.

"Jayden." I sigh.

"Isaac." He laughs. The boy is now standing in front of me. His head close to mine so that only I can hear his words.

"Don't worry. It's just a kiss, relax. You don't have to catch feelings." He jokes and winks at me playfully.

"I don't have a choice, do I?" I question with a funny tone. His brown eyes focus on me. I feel a little unease to be honest. Once again I notice how beautiful that boy really is, the sharp jawline and his eyes that perfectly match his brown hair, but we both now how we stand and therefore, I don't have to worry, right?

"Sorry." He says before finally closing the distance between us. His hand immediately finds it's way in my neck, deepening the kiss. To say I was overwhelmed at first is an understatement, but I eventually accept it and kiss him back. In a no-homo-bro-sort-of-way, of course.

The kiss feels kind of weird, given the fact that I share it with Jayden, who I know has feeling for me, but there is something deep down in me that tells me to just keep going, like an evil alter ego. I don't know why, but my eyes drift towards Oscar, who is already staring at me with an pissed-off expression. He is fuming. What is his problem?

It seems like most of my teammates already lost interest in our little show, a few guys are already occupied with some girls mouth again. But I must say, Jayden's lips are pretty soft, but I decide that we kissed long enough. I gently pull away from him, he looks more than pleased. Lust is evident in his eyes, but he catches himself a second later.

"That was the best investment ever." he says while catching his breath. I smile and hit his shoulder rather strong.

"A little longer and you would've had to pay another dollar." I joke. His reaction surprised me, he looks flustered.

"I would honestly." He admits while scratching the back of his head. I just shake my head at his words.

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