Chapter 38

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I didn't sleep the night, maybe because of the sudden encounter in the shop.

Today is Monday, the bags under my eyes heavy and the timetable filled with boring classes. In addition to that, we have practice in the afternoon and I am seriously considering to sit this session out. I don't really like the idea of seeing Oscar after what happened yesterday night.

I understand that I am the asshole in this scenario, but he didn't even give me the chance to explain, he just ran straight out of there. And now I am pissed because his move yesterday clearly was some sort of payback, I am sure of that. But there are more important things to think about right now, for example biology.

Oh and where is Toby and Zoe anyway? Are they fucking somewhere in private? I quickly dismiss this idea and scrunch my nose in disgust. There are certain issues on this planet that cannot and will not be discussed to the day I die and the sex life of my two best friends is part of that.

I sigh and rest my head on my left hand, today will be a heck of a long day.


"Why didn't you throw the fucking ball Anderson?!" I hear the booming voice of Coach from the sidelines after my previous shot of which I am not proud by the way. I missed my perfect opportunity to shoot, shit. To say I am not on my game today is an understatement, I can't even throw a fucking ball.

The probably biggest reason for my lack of focus is Oscar, who is currently looking at me with an amused smile. Fucker. But the absence of my two best friends also occupies my mind, I haven't seen them since the weekend. I mean, I was an asshole back then, but I couldn't tell them about me and Oscar and now they kind of ghost me, which is fair, I guess.

But still, neither Toby nor Zoe said anything, they weren't at school today and Toby is also missing practice which is not like him. Normally Toby is the one who drags me to practice, but today I somehow managed to find the locker room by myself.

Maybe a little time off is not that bad, given the fact that my life is pretty messed up right now. I don't really get the chance to think more about it, because Coach is already blowing the whistle, signalling the game to continue.


3, 2, 1

"That's it for today. Get lost!!" The familiar voice paired with the numbing shrill of the whistle tells us that the time of the match is over, which means my team lost. Normally loosing a practice match doesn't bother me that much, but the fact that I lost against Oscar and his stupid ginger friend Antonio, or Anton, I don't know, really gets to me.

Shit happens, I guess and with that I turn around, ready for a deserved shower. My muscles are really aching at this point.

"Did it hurt?" I tense as I hear the scratchy voice of the ginger one behind me. I quickly rotate towards the guy with a low snarl, now, don't test my nerves today.

"Huh?" I return cocky, I am pretty pissed right now and I had a shit day.

"Loosing." I laugh at his words, now confusion evident in his face. I am surprised that the ginger guy is alone, normally, he is following Oscar everywhere, like a stalker or his personal shadow. Definitely creepy.

"You tell me, you are normally loosing. How does it feel?" I counter while closing the distance between us. I am a little taller than him which really helps in this situation. Now his face morphs into a pissed expression, hahaha, what a loser. What does Oscar see in him?

The boy in front of me visibly tenses and clenches his fists, ready to strike at any moment. But let's be honest, I would eat him up in a fight. He is ridiculous compared to Oscar, which should not be a complement for Oscar, just to be clear.

"Don't. He is not worth it." And there it was, Oscar's voice. First, I didn't even realize what he said, because I was so focused on his tone, his sonority. But, when I finally realized his words, my body filled itself with anger and a lot of sadness. What the fuck? Oscar is now standing next to his ginger friend. 2 v 1 is unfair, but I'll fight them if that is what I have to do to protect my reputation around here, I decide.

Everything is so fucked up right now, a few days ago, I seriously considered confessing my feelings to him and now. Now he is making fun of me with his friend, wow, thanks Oscar. But I guess I am somewhat also responsible for this outcome. Ah, fuck me.

"Stop staring." The words of the ginger slice through my train of thoughts. He does a quick high-five with Oscar while laughing about his own words. I cringe at the image in front of me, they look happy. Suddenly, a wave of anger hits me and I decide that this is enough for today.

"You wish, asshole." I return viciously. And in that moment, the red-haired boy was ready to strike and his fist would have actually collided with the side of my face, if it hadn't been for Oscar, who held him back just in time. I take a step back, puhh, that was close.

"Get lost, loser." I say, before finally turning around and walking off the field towards the locker room. Yes, Isaac: 1, ginger friend: 0.


As I exit the locker room building a few minutes later, my hair still not fully dry and changed back to my school outfit, I realize that it started pouring heavily over the last couple of minutes. I abruptly stop, close my eyes and turn my head towards the sky. I like rain, really. I wouldn't go as far as saying that I love rain, because that is not the case at all, but I like how it sound like when the small droplets collide with a firm surface. Let alone the smell after a good pour.

I suddenly remember that I am still standing in front of the locker room and most likely look like a creep right now, so I decide to get going. I can already hear my bed calling for me. Today was shit and therefore, the only thing I want to do is end this day as quick as possible, lucky me, Ming is visiting some family members and closed the shop for a few days, so I don't have to work today.

I yawn as I make my way to the car park of the school, when I see the hooded figure in front of my car.

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