Chapter 6

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"Are you good, man?" Anthony's voice bringing me back to our table.

"Never been better." I lie.

This night that started rather boring just got interesting. I smile. Isaac Anderson you little bastard.

"Yo bro, stop smiling like a creep."

"Shut it already." I focus my attention to the burger in front of me. A chicken burger with a side of fries. No sauce of course, I am not a weirdo. Ant and I have this ritual, every once in a while we meet at the local diner when one of our houses gets to crowded. Today it was Ant's family reunion.

"Have you seen Chloe Barnes ass, dude, what does this girl eat?" I roll my eyes at this stupid Anthony-like question.

I ignore Anthony, who is currently typing away on his phone. What did Isaac say to this guy? Why does it even bother me? What the fuck. Stop thinking Oscar.

"I need to piss." I say, before standing up and making my way towards the bathroom. There is the guy. He is currently moping the floor. Does he work here? He must be new.

I smile as my genius mind comes up with yet another brilliant plan, I congratulate myself. The toilet long forgotten.

I make my way towards the guy. His back is turned towards me, which gives me the perfect chance to ...

"Yo watch where you are going idiot." I bark, after purposely running into him.

The boy tenses under my touch and turns around. Surprise evident on his face.

"What is your problem?" He asks, his voice now filled with irritation.

Without answering his question, I turn around but not before knocking over his bucket of water. I smile.

"What the fuck, man." He shouts, brown eyes filled with anger, piercing me from behind.

Anthony looks up from his phone, visibly surprised.

"Back so soon?"

"Yeah let's go." I state, already making my way towards the exit.

"Wha-." He says after catching up to me.

The night air welcoming us as we exit the diner. I just made myself a new friend, I laugh to myself.



After the encounter with Jayden I decide to visit one of my favorite places in the town of Ferndale. I discovered the place two years ago, when my mum was really struggling, in addition to that, I was a horrible child going through puberty, I must say.

I park my car, grab the bag of food and make my way towards the place. With place I mean a little hill on the outskirts of Ferndale with a bench overlooking the whole town. I lazily plop myself on the wooden bench with the moon being the own source of light.

I don't know why, but this hideout always makes me feel safe. I can think about everything out here. Since this place is a little hidden, there is hardly anyone, who disturbs my peace. I mean it is 11pm on a Friday night. Shit, when did I become so boring.

Eventually I give in and let my raging thoughts take over. Meeting Jayden really stirred me up, I mean he is nice and all, but I also felt slightly uneasy back in the diner. I don't know.

Somewhere during my hard thinking I took the first bite of my now cold burger. Just perfect, I sigh to myself. Another topic that is constantly nagging my mind is my mum.

I am currently in my senior year in college and therefore have to make a decision about where to study in the near future. I put some of my money aside, to at least pay my own tuition, due to my athletic success I might even get a few scholarships, who knows. I don't really know how my mum will react if I leave her all by herself.

She will probably overwork herself again, without anyone telling her to take a step back. I sigh. I try my best to cover some of the costs by working in the supermarket, but sometimes it gets a little much with the pressure from school and football and long shifts at the store. Plus the ongoing rivalry and the constant need to be better than him really drains me.

Shaking my head I try to suppress the rising feeling of guilt and sadness and make my way back to the car - enough thinking for today.

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