Chapter 19

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It is now lunch time and the gossip has still not simmered down, causing me to sigh in displeasure. Fuck. I am seriously worn out. Classes were fucking boring and the worst part of today is yet to come. Football practice.

Also, I haven't seen Zoe today, weird, she didn't say anything about her absence, did she? That is atypical for her. I will simply message her later as Toby seems pretty preoccupied with his spaghetti, he hates them, despises them even. The cafeteria gods are not on his side today, I smile.

One thing about our school is that every second Monday is spaghetti day and that means only spaghetti because the lunch lady doesn't care to serve any alternative to it. And since that boy hates to do any form of extra work, he didn't prepare anything for himself in advance - now he is stuck with noodles and sauce.

How can someone even hate spaghetti, they are delicious - maybe not the cafeteria ones but the one my mum makes, holy.

After a few more minutes of Toby glaring daggers into the spaghetti we eventually make our way to bio aka the last class for today.


Like every other Monday, a hungry Toby and I make our way from the main school building towards the locker room of the football team. I've been dreading to go since I woke up today. And then the little interaction in the hallway with Oscar happened, causing my anxiety to ultimately peak. Shit. Get a hold of yourself Isaac.

Some of my teammates are already in there as Toby and I enter, but no sign of either Oscar or his ginger friend Anton, or Aaron maybe? However his name is. I sometimes forget this guy even exists next to Oscar, I mean, who wants to be friends with the devil himself. Weird.

I quickly change into my football gear and turn to my duffel bag, not realizing that the door to the changing room opened again in the meantime. I don't even have to turn around, to feel his glare from across the room. I decide to ignore him for now, which is a win in my book.

He was the one to leave me in the closet all by myself, rushing out like a madman, a few hours of silent treatment will do the boy good. That is my idea of revenge in our wicked game. I can't even count the times either one of us did something out of pure anger, hatred or revenge. I cringe at that thought. We are two destructive assholes, I conclude.

Some minutes later, I find myself on the field in front of the boys, Mrs. Peterson is next to me.

"Most of you guys played pretty good against Harrington." I start, getting a few shouts in return. I also don't miss the hatred glare from Oscar's direction. But it is the truth, both of us played like shit that day. I shoot Coach an apologetic look, to which she just rolls her eyes.

"I am positive that the season will turn out in our favor." Another round of shouts.

I say a few more motivational things before I hand Coach the scepter again. Puh. I am pretty tired and we haven't even started with the usual warm up laps. That will be a long one today.


Overall, practice wasn't that bad today, I even saw a little smile on Mrs. Peterson's face, which I think I just imagined, honestly. That women never smiles.

I am currently heading towards the car park again, I would have offered Toby a lift home, but he excused himself, said something about catching up on food to which I just smiled. That boy is really something else and that is probably the reason why he is my best friend.

"Isaac." Deep in thought, I didn't notice the hooded figure standing next to my car. So naturally his all to familiar deep voice catches me by surprise. We haven't exchanged a single word after our little moment in the shop. Jayden.

"Jayden." I counter. If I am completely honest, I don't really know what to say or do in this moment. It will turn out weird either way. But I am sure of one thing: he is only a good friend to me, nothing more and Jayden has to accept that. And I seriously hope he will, because he is a cool guy.

"What are you-" I start, interrupted by his voice. What is it with people interrupting me today, first Toby and now Jayden. I sigh.

"I am sorry Isaac." Taken aback by his words, I don't know what to say. Luckily he takes the lead again.

"I shouldn't have put my hopes up in the first place." He sounds kind of defeated. Oh Jayden.

"I know that what I pulled at your workplace was kind of out of place and pretty childish too." His sudden laugh lightens the situation in an instant. I smile.

"But truth be told, I am attracted to you Isaac, I have been since I first saw you, honestly." Oh no, here comes the confession.

"So, is there a chance that we could, I don't know, shit." He stops, visibly struggling to get the words out. Scratching the back of his head again, this gesture has kind of become his thing. I smile, before I start speaking.

"Jayden." I say, taking a few steps towards the boy. Only a few inches are between us.

"I understand how you feel and, therefore, I am sorry to say the following." An apologetic look on my face. But I have to make my point clear, I decide. Even if it means breaking his heart again.

"You are a cool guy and I really like you but only as a good friend, nothing more." I whisper the last part. His face is now void of any emotion.

"I am sorry." I add quickly.

A few moments pass before he eventually does something I did not expect. He closes the distance between us in a quick motion and hugs me tightly. First, I am kind of surprised but I hug him back almost immediately. And once again, I realize how muscular that boy really is. Even muscular than me. Shit, I grin.

He breaks the hug a little after and smiles at me. Relief washing over my body. Puh.

"I accept that, but only if you buy me dinner." He says, now smirking.

"Fucker. Get in the car already." I motion to my car. He makes his way over to the passenger side and hops in, I do the same and we are ready to go. Next stop: diner.



The grip on the steering wheel intensifies as I take the scene in front of me in completely. After hugging each other, they both started grinning and got in the car a second later.

That fucker from the diner. Are they dating?

As that thought crosses my mind, I punch my fist on the passenger seat, that hurt. Fuck.

What the fuck is wrong with you Oscar, he is your rival, your arch-enemy. But somehow the familiar feeling of rage doesn't come when I think of his green eyes, there is another feeling occupying my mind. The feeling of jealousy and frustration, what the fuck?

Jealous of who? Isaac? Jayden? Never. Not in a million years. I would drown myself in hydrochloride acid first. But then I remember the night again. That feeling I had when he was under me, moaning in my mouth, as our lips collided. My dick immediately reacts to this memory. Fuck, get your fucking brain checked Thompson.

Not wanting to spend any more time thinking about this stupid asshole, I decide to get going myself. I might need to invest in a punching bag.

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