Chapter 39

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Finally, I was waiting for at least twenty minutes.

"Hey." I say as the boy arrives at his car with a skeptical look on his face. To be fair, I look like a complete stalker with my hood up and everything, but I didn't want to risk getting caught or something.

"Hi. What's up?" Isaac returns, still a little suspiciously. But he doesn't stop right away. He rounds the car, unlocks it and throws his duffel bag on the passenger seat, closing it again a second later, before leaning on the side of the vehicle. An expectant look on his face.

"I wanted to ask you for a favor." I say with the sweetest voice that is possible for me. The face of the boy turns into an even more confused expression, while crossing his arms over his chest. Here goes nothing.

"I-, I kind of want to try that new drive-in cinema that opened in Harrington and I didn't want to go solo and you were the first that came to my mind." I confess while scratching the back of my neck. First, the boy looks surprised, but he collects himself shortly after.

"To put it simple, you are asking me on a date?" The mocking tone in Isaac's voice defeating. I can practically feel my cheeks redden. Shit, why does he have that effect on me? But I am won't give in that simple.

"If you want it to be a date." I wink at the boy, who is now the one looking uncomfortable, while closing the distance between us to a few inches, but to my surprise he doesn't move back a single bit.

Isaac suddenly leans forward, his face rubbing against the stubble of mine, and his lips collide with my left ear. Hell. Stop it, Isaac Anderson. I physically shiver which must have been amusing to him, given the fact that he is now smiling evilly.

"You wish." He whispers, his hot breath fanning over my ear. For fuck's sake, that is enough, I quickly take a few steps back, nearly colliding with the stone pillar behind me. Now an apologetic look decorates the boy's face, yeah, thanks for that.


"Don't." I quickly interrupt him, not wanting to go down that path. I try to put up an authentic smile, before our eyes connect again. "I'll text you. It is a date." I flash him a wide grin, before finally walking towards my own car.



Okay, that was- intense, I guess. But our little date must really mean something to Jayden if he drove to Ferndale specifically for that, I mean he could have asked via chat or give me a quick call, but no. He drove all the way here, just to ask me that.

Anyway, we know how we stand to each other, so this date is strictly platonic, right? I hope he knows that, shit, what if I got his hopes up, just to let him down again? Should I give him a call and make things clear for a second time?

But on the other side, when was the last time I was on a date? I don't even remember, since Oscar came into my life, everything revolved around the black-haired boy. I mean, technically, it isn't a real date, it is a- a, a bro-date. Plus I have never been to a drive-in cinema, so I guess that will be fun and with everything that is going on in my life a little distraction is more than welcome. Who knows, maybe I will forget about Oscar once and for all? I laugh sadly into the night air - I could never forget him, even if he hates me. Something inside me tells me, that our story is not over, which means the grand finale is yet to come.



"A veggie burger, two hamburger and two large cokes, please." I say to the man who is standing behind the counter and flash him a toothy smile.

"Is that it?" The man returns expectantly. "Yeah." I say and turn around after handing him the money. Hold up, why do I have to pay for the food, I am literally the girl. Wait, that is so sexist, never mind, he will pay the next one.

"What took you so long?" I hear Toby's voice as I near our table in the back of the diner. He wears his typical smile that I learned to love. I flash him the quick finger, before I sit down opposite him. "Shut up." I return quickly.

We agreed to eat in the diner, after our little walk in the park. I know, that sounds hella cliche, but it was actually pretty nice. Plus, we didn't argue for the whole walk, which is pretty impressive. Over all, our relationship is working pretty well - I knew Toby for most of my life, but over the last couple of days I have learned things about that boy that I would have never guessed. For example, he hates cucumbers, but loves zucchini, which are practically the same. Sometimes I really doubt that this guy is even real, maybe I am just dating an imaginary boyfriend.

Yeah, that's it, I have gone mad. "You okay?" The voice of the boy slicing right through my mind, successfully bringing me back to the table. "Yeah. All good." I reassure him, before a comfortable silence sets around us.

"Isaac, huh?" Toby starts, while shifting his position into a more comfortable one. I huff, before answering. "Isaac." I repeat the name. I feel like the boy distances himself more and more from us, we don't really see him that often anymore.

Apart from the reason that my boyfriend asked me out on a little date in the park, our absence today is also Isaac's fault, because we don't really know how to face him anymore. Don't get me wrong, we love Isaac and everything, but he doesn't trust us anymore. And after the weekend, when he left us without looking back or explaining his weird behavior, we are a little pissed.

"Should we call him?" Toby asks. God, his concerning voice is so hot. No, Zoe, bad timing.

"Hmm. I don't know. I guess he needs time right now. We don't know what is going on in his life right now and if he doesn't want us to know, the best we can do is wait for him to open up." I return to which the boy just nods.

"I guess you are right." He flashes me a wide grin which I kindly mirror. Talking to him is so easy, even though I would never tell him that, but I really enjoy our time together.



"Let's stop grinning like two lovesick idiots, okay?"

"You are right. Stop."

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