Chapter 51

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My body longs for fresh air. I completely forgot to breathe for the last few seconds, I was so focused. But we made it, we really won, I still can't believe it. But when I feel my teammates' arms on my shoulders and their screams ring in my ears, I throw away the last sparks of suspicion. We fucking won, take that Jayden. I smile proudly as I get engulfed in the big team hug, a tradition we always do after winning a game.

We separate a few seconds later, most of us still out of breath. The crowd hasn't simmered down yet, they are screaming and cheering like lunatics, I mean, we just won the season. Even the fans of Harrington are cheering, because, truth be told, their team played pretty good as well. It would have been a draw if it weren't for me and Isaac.

My eyes quickly roam the field looking for a familiar blond boy, but he is nowhere to be seen. "Looking for me?" The voice of him immediately making me smile. I quickly turn around to a beaming Isaac. "I did." I say truthfully. He looks surprised at first, but recovers a second later, now smirking.

The boy looks gorgeous, the light of the big spotlights highlighting his facial features, especially his eyes. The sweat on his body glows, he looks like an angel right now. And then I felt it. The sudden urge to just lean forward and press my lips on his, uncaring of the potential consequences or looks of the whole student body. But I won't, maybe he is not ready for that yet. Therefore, the next couple of seconds totally throw me off my game once and for all.

"Just fucking kiss me!" Due to his yelling, all eyes are on us now and I freeze completely, did I just imagine that he screamed for me to kiss him in front of everyone? No, I did not. Fuck.

In the bits of a second I stand in front of him, having just closed the distance between us with three big steps. Our chests are nearly colliding, but I could care less right now. I was looking forward to this moment for so long, I won't back down now.

"You sure?" I question, hoping that he would affirm it, but he doesn't say anything, instead he is the one who leans forward and connects his lips with mine. And in that moment I saw stars, completely forgetting about the mass of people that is watching us right now. I quickly wrap my arms around the boy and deepen the kiss instantly, our bodies now unbelievably close.

Only after a few seconds do we separate again, both completely out of breath, lips swollen. We still only look at each other, the rest of the world obsolete. Therefore, we didn't even notice that the crowd has erupted for the second time, calling our names and cheering.

Now noticing the broad crowd's approval, we both start to grin.



"Isaac Anderson, I fucking love you!" Oscar screams a second later, startling me completely. Chances are high that I look like a tomato right now out of sheer embarrassment. But we wouldn't be Isaac and Oscar if I didn't retaliate myself at him and so I smile evilly before opening my mouth. "Oscar Thompson, I fucking love you more!" My exclamation causes him to smile even more than he already is and to top it all of we connect our faces again, this time only for a short period.

And after that, I look at our surroundings a little more. I realize that the boys around us are cheering, even the redhead. The crowd is still screaming at us, yelling our names. And then I look at Zoe, she is standing on the sidelines of the field, yelling too. Wow, I didn't even see her at first. Has she been watching the whole time?

My eyes continue their journey till they land on someone very familiar in the stands, a blond woman - my mum. She has never been to any of my games, she could have at least told me that she will be attending. As I look a little closer I notice that she is crying. Happy tears, tears of joy, I am sure of that.

And then I finally look at him again. Both the curse and the blessing of my existence. The one who controls me like a puppet. The one I gave my heart to - the brightest star of them all. We simply smile at each other - both our minds finally at ease.

"NOW LOOK AT THAT!!" The screaming voice of the presenter adds to the already loud voices of the crowd. As time goes on, the people around us finally simmer down a bit, some already in the middle of leaving the field again.

"Wow, I did not expect that." Zack says while hitting my shoulder playfully. "Yeah, me neither, but congrats guys." Landon is the next one to speak. After that, most of the guys congratulate us, which causes my heart to swell even more. I knew that the guys are not homophobic, but me and Oscar are a very odd couple, given that we have an interesting history that is not so romantic.

The only two people on the field that haven't said anything yet are Toby and Ginger, they are still standing quite a few meters away from us, both looking at us wide-eyed, before they finally take the first step towards us. "Isaac, you fucker!" The familiar voice of Toby ringing through the air, making me smile instantly. As the boy reaches me, he throws himself around me with a big toothy smile plastered on his face. "Toby." I say relieved, before we separate again, still smiling.

And then my eyes roam towards the red-haired boy, he is still keeping his distance from us, while eyeing us suspiciously. "Get your ass over here, Ant." I hear Oscar voice, calling for him. Oh, right, his name is Anthony, now I remember.

Anthony looks hesitant at first, but quickly closes the distance between us. As he is quite literally standing in front of us, he does something I did not expect him to do - the boy hold his hand in my direction, expectant. I grab his hand in one swift motion, trying to muster up a small smile. "Sorry." He says which sounds honest and pure. Maybe he is not that bad as a human being, I decide as we both let go again.

The only one still missing is-

"ISAAC!!" There she is, Zoe. The girl is currently running towards us with hyper speed, not looking like she is ready to stop before hitting me, therefore, I prepare myself to catch her with my hands just in time. And that is exactly what happens, she puts her whole body weight on me, nearly bringing us both down, while high pitched tones escape her mouth. "I am so happy for you."

My poor heart quickly grows to an impossible extent as we hug. To say that I like the girl is an understatement, she is kindhearted, sincere and supportive - only a few facets of her kind soul. "Zoe." I say, still hugging.

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