Chapter 50

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The air around us is electrifying completely numbing my muscle contraction. The boys are all riles up, ready to face our biggest rivals for the last time this season. "Guys!" The locker room goes silent in an instant. "We have been waiting for this day, the final match against them - now, who is ready to kick some ass out there tonight?"

The boys' screams bounce off the tiled walls, throwing them back at us with double strength, deafeningly. I'm sure the spectators outside heard the screams too. After another round of cheers we make our way out of the changing room towards the big field. As a compact unit we advance, Toby on my left, smiling. "Lead us to victory, cap." He whispers, before we exit the building to which I flash him a toothy smile. I will.

As we appear in the field of vision of the student body, countless cheers and screams erupt from the stand. A symphony of gold and red, the signature color of our school. We stop in the middle of field and form a circle, my nerves skyrocket in that very moment. The team of Harrington hasn't arrived yet, as we are the hosts of tonight's game. Speaking of tonight, countless stars are visible high above today, as if they are also cheering us on and are shining just for us.

And in that moment I look at Oscar for the first time tonight and I must say, he looks stunning. His hair is lazily pushed to the sides, his jaw is drawn sharp and those eyes again. The eyes of the boy are glowing right now, illuminated by the big floodlights on the side of the field, but there are also countless dots visible in those pools of blue. The stars reflect in them creating a mysterious glimmer, a light hue.

Suddenly the boy turns his head towards me, our eyes meet instantly. Everything around us now appears blurred, my only focus in on the boy in front of me. I successfully drown out all noise, except the beating of my heart that intensifies with every passing moment. I am powerless, he has me completely under his spell.

"PLEASE WELCOME, THE HARRINGTON HEIRS!" The sound of the presenter's voice successfully breaking my trance. A roar of cheers comes from the grandstand on the opposite ours, their signature colors seem to be yellow and blue and their fans are on fire.

As I turn my head towards the arriving team, I immediately lock eyes with a grinning Jayden. The boy is already looking at me with determination, someone's excited, I think. As they finally stop in front of our noses, a little to close for my liking, the whole crowd goes silent again. Our environment now seems to be even more charged with anticipation and willingness.

"You will go down." I whisper, so that only Jayden in front of me can hear it. He starts smiling evilly before opening his mouth. "You wish. Don't cry later." He counters, making me smirk now. After the presenter said a few words about the game being our last of the season and riling us up even more, we quickly shake hands and position ourselves on our sides of the field. The game is on.



Heavy droplets of sweat are running down my forehead. I breathe heavily and put my hands on my knees for support. The first half of the game is played and we are pretty even, with Harrington having one point more than us.

I must say, both crowds are crazy tonight, I don't even know which one is louder. Game wise everyone is playing really well today, Isaac's motivational speeches seem to have helped. Speaking of Isaac, where i- Oh, there, he is standing next to Toby sipping on his bottle of water. How can he still look this good after having just ran for thirty minutes straight? That boy is mystery to me.

"HARRINGTON LEADS BY A POINT. WILL THEY BE ABLE TO EXTEND THE LEAD IN THE SECOND AN THUS FINAL HALF? WE ARE EXCITED!" A booming voice hissed through the hot air, which inflames me even more inside. We will win tonight, that is a promise. I take one last glance at Isaac, before the guys return to their positions on the field, ready for final round. Harrington Heirs, here we come.



I maneuver the ball in front of the opponent's goal with ease and swing out with my left foot. A second later: cheers, the ball lands in the net. Yes. Now we are even, point-wise. The team quickly congratulates me, before we continue fighting.

As the game is pretty intense, I haven't even realized that the last few minutes of the match have already began. My eyes shoot towards the big board that displays the time, two more minutes to go. We are even now, but if we as a team manage to score another goal and defend our own goal, we win.

The air is heavy around us, the crowd is silent - the last few moments of the game always feel like suffocation, but that is also the most important time of the match - the decision of defeat or victory. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE LAST FEW SECONDS OF THE MATCH ARE STARTING!!"

I look at the scoreboard yet again, we are still even and then my gaze moves on to Oscar, who is already looking at me with determination. "5." I simply nod and we both start running towards the other side of the field. Landon passes me the ball and I maneuver it towards the enemies' goal, Jayden hot on my heels. "4." I quickly swing out and send the ball flying toward Oscar. "3."

The ball hits his foot perfectly, giving him the perfect momentum to make the final shot. "2." The black-haired boy hits the ball hard and aims for the net. My breath is stocking and everyone turns silent. "Come on." I whisper to myself, as I close my eyes. Please. Please. "and 1."

And then the crowd erupts and I open my eyes again. "WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!"

Thank you to Zoe, thank you to Toby, ...

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