Chapter 36

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Lucky me, today is Sunday, therefore, I don't have to get up and actually talk to another human being. I still haven't spoken about him with anyone since the night of the party. Sure, my mum knows that something is up with Oscar, but I didn't go into detail - I don't want to burden her even more.

I am seriously thinking about running away - a new city, a new identity, a new life, so that I can leave all my previous problems in the past. But I won't get that lucky, because I need to work today. Ming already took over my last shift because I went to that stupid party.

Looking back, I really shouldn't have gone, but I promised it to him. I smile as I remember our little moment in the locker room and then there is that familiar sting again, right through my heart. My mum told me that everything will be alright, but she didn't tell me when.

Tomorrow? In a week? Maybe two months? Twenty years? Yeah, fuck me.

And worst of all: tomorrow is practice which means that a meeting is inevitable. Should I text him to come over? Or better meet me somewhere? But what should I say?

Hey, yeah, I fooled around with Thomas, but trust me, he didn't fuck the living shit out of me, because I was thinking about you all the time and back then I wanted to talk to you but you ran away. Yeah, no. That will make me the victim in the scenario. I am an asshole, but not that big of an asshole, right?

Suddenly my door flies open. "IZ!" My eyes drift to the door, surprised to see my best friends, Zoe and Toby, there. What are they doing here?

I don't even get the chance to respond, because Zoe is already jumping on me. Meanwhile, Toby makes himself comfortable on the edge of the bed. The girl is hugging me tightly, too tightly to be precise, I can't breathe!

"Zoe." I silently say, but the girl doesn't react or move an inch. Fuck.

"You are crushing him." Toby interrupts. Yeah, thanks for that, shithead.

But to my surprise, Zoe actually let's go of me, which confirms my Zoe-and-Toby-are-a-couple-theory even more. I smile weakly.

"Your mum told us to come over." Zoe says quickly. My eyes widen. My mum did what now?

"She- what?" Worry evident in my voice, did she tell them the whole story?

"Chill man, she said you don't feel well and that you might need some company." I breathe out at the boy's words. Thank fuck.

"Sooooo." Zoe's left eyebrow is raised. I recognize a look of suspicion when I see one. "What's up, cowboy?" The girl questions.

"I-" Shit, don't stutter now, they will grow even more conscious. "Me and Oscar had a little-"

"Make-out session?" Zoe interrupts quickly to which Toby starts laughing hysterically. I hit her playfully on the shoulder before I continue.

"No, you idiot. We had an argument, that's it." I state confidently.

"Yeeaah, no. We are not buying that dude." Toby says. I throw him a disapproving look. Don't make me hit you too, I think.

What should I say now? Shit, I am cornered. How do I get out of this?

"Isaac!" The voice of my mum interrupts the silence that settled around us immediately. Thank god.

"It's 4:30 pm." The women reminds me. I suddenly remember that my shift starts at 5 pm.

"Oh, what, it is already this late." I say surprised. I look on my watchless wrist. Yeah, they are not buying that, but before they can protest, I stand up and leave through the door.

"Isaac!" I hear Zoe screaming behind me and Toby laughing in my room. Not a second later I stand in front of my mum in the kitchen, both of my friends still in my room. "See you." I say to the women. She nods before turning towards the stove again.

"Don't dirty my duvet, you lovesick birds!" I scream sarcastically, before finally leaving the building through the front door, after grabbing my car keys off the shelf. My friends will eventually leave, this is not the first time, I leave them all by themselves in my room - they practically live here.

I wouldn't be surprised if they actually stay for dinner. Since my mum always cooks more than me and her can eat, they won't leave starved today. I smile as I buckle up, ready to leave for work.


We'll be a fine line.

We'll be a fine line.

We'll be alright.

Since, I get to work in the storage room most of the shift, I decided to listen to some music. Ming volunteered to sit at the counter, which is more than fine by me. I am still not ready to face whoever walks in tonight.

And I must say, music really lightens my mood sometimes. But I forgot to download my music at home, so I have to listen to one of Zoe's playlists. I mean it is not bad, but I prefer Post Malone over Harry Styles to be completely honest. In addition to that, the boxes feel way heavier today. Did Ming increase the quantity of instant noodles, or did I seriously loose muscles over the last few days?

It is now 10 pm. I am tired and ready to pass out any given chance, but I still got two hours on my watch before I finally get the chance to catch up on some deserved sleep. My body is fueled with a shit ton of coffee, a lot of cookies and one episode of Game of Thrones after the other these days. What can I say, everyone deals different with emotional matters.

I quickly snap out of my train of thoughts as I hear the little golden bell over the door for what feels like the seven hundredth time today. My orbs slowly wander to the door, I try to muster up some energy to not look like an empty body. But that seems to get harder with every passing minute in this shop, now, don't get me wrong, I love my workplace, but I would rather spend tonight at home, in my bed.

As I finally take in the sight in front of me, I freeze. My heart skips a beat and my breathing hitches. The quite spacious room around me suddenly feels so tiny, it is nearly crushing me. The hair on the back of my neck is standing at this point and my mind is blank. Fuck my life, what is he doing here? And who is that boy next to him?

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