Chapter 9

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It turns out that Zoe is out of town for the weekend, some fancy gala she has to attend with her family. Spoiled brat. Toby does in fact have time but he excused himself saying something about boring ass attractions and not wanting to stay in the sun for too long - I swear that boy will be my death one day.

I texted Jayden the news concerning my "friends" and we agreed to meet in front of the gates at 4 pm.

The problem is, it is currently 11 am and I am bored out of my mind. Not wanting to spend the next couple of hours in my bed, I decide to do some homework, you gotta keep up the score, right?

Times seems to pass rather quickly with biology occupying my mind. It is 3 pm. After a quick protein bar I make my way to my room, having to change out of my Saturday look. I decide on a pair of beige shorts, a basic white shirt and a blue cap - perfect.

Before I step out of the house I make sure to message my mum where I will be for the next couple of hours, in case she is home tonight which I very much doubt. I close the door and open my car, ready for a shit ton of cotton candy and glazed strawberries.

The fair is on the outskirts of the town, therefore, I have to drive quite a while. At least the traffic seems to have simmered down a bit.


"Hey." I say as I reach Jayden with a girl who I assume is his little sister.

"Oh hi." He smiles. "Lia say hi." His head turning towards the little girl.

"Hi." A soft voice hiding behind her little brothers leg.

I crouch down in front of her, extending my hand in the process.

"I am Isaac." She hesitantly takes my hand with her small one. This gesture seems to have been funny to her as she starts giggling. Making me smile.

"Your sister is adorable." I say looking up to Jayden.

"Must run in the family." He states.

I shake my head, gesturing to the entrance of the fair. "Should we go then?"

"Sure." The brown-haired boy says, leading the way.

Catching up to them I intentionally bump into the boy, making him smile. I have a feeling this day will turn out great with those two by my side.



Wow, this fair is really something else. Stand after stand, an enormous petting zoo and, of course, a big fucking ferris wheel. Lia seems to share my excitement as her mouth practically hangs open. Isaac is fixating something in the distance, seems like a cotton-candy stand. He really looks good today, I must say. His tight shirt emphasizes his body perfectly, his muscles even more visible now.

Not wanting to stare any longer at the boy, I decide to take matters into my own hands.

Without warning, I grab the boys hand and together with my little sister I drag him towards his targeted stand. He looks surprised first but accepts it right away, making me smile. His hand feels kind of nice actually.

"Time for some cotton candy." I state confidently.

"You read my mind Jayden."

"COTTON CANDY." Lia cries out, now picking up her pace with her little feet.

We reach the stand and queue up behind the impressive amount of people. Is this the only fucking stand that sells cotton candy? As we eventually make it to the front of the line, I try to fish out my wallet but Isaac stops me mid air. Bastard, I smile.

"Three." He turns to the cashier and hands him the money.

The person behind the stall hands him the cotton candy, flashing Lia a wide grin. We decide to take a small break on a nearby bench, before continuing our little trip. Lia is sitting between visibly enjoying her pink cotton candy, that is double the size of her head.

Suddenly an idea pops into my head. I jump from the bench and direct the camera of my phone on them. "Yo guys, what is that?" I say playfully excited to gain their attention, now both of them looking in my direction. Click.

The picture shows Isaac and Lia sitting together on the bench, holding their cotton candy. Both faces are adorned with a smile. Lia looks adorable and so does Isaac with the late summer highlighting his facial features. I might frame this picture when I get home.

As I take a second longer look at the picture, I realize the small butterflies in my stomach that must have started fluttering a while ago. In fact they spread their wings for the first time when I met this boy back in the diner. Till that moment I was one hundred percent sure of my straightness, as I only ever fooled around with girls but now I am not so sure anymore. I don't really know what's happening to be honest.

After the short break we spent most of the time at the petting zoo, Lia is obsessed with animals, especially baby goats. But Isaac didn't really mind, because he was entertaining himself with some piglets in the meantime. Cute.

Truth be told, I really wanted to ride the ferris wheels with Isaac, but for Lia's sake I put my needs aside. I am such a good brother.

As the sun started to set, we decided to call it a day and parted ways after saying out goodbyes. Today was really great, I thought as I stole one last look at his ass before heading to my own car while carrying a sleeping Lia.

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