Chapter 33

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I didn't realize that I started staring at him. Fuck, that is embarrassing, but it would be a crime to not look at his body. That boy is carved like a Greek god. I mean, our bodies are pretty similar but still, I recognize beauty when I see it.

And Isaac Anderson is more than attractive, beautiful even. I noticed that a long time ago.

"What do you want?" Isaac now looks at me expectantly. I originally wanted to talk about what the fuck happened on Sunday after the fair, but right now I want to appreciate the view in front of me. I sigh.

Without answering his question I close the distance between us with big steps, stopping in front of his muscular body. Our chests nearly collide. The boy looks shocked by my sudden approach but I could care less. My eyes never leave his.

I might appear collected on the outside but I am stressing out internally. What should I say now? Look cool. Don't let him see the real you.

I tilt my head to the side and lean forward, my face rubbing the side of his face. The warmth of the boy immediately igniting me. My lips lightly touch his ear lope, he shivers.

"You smell good." Shit that is not what I wanted to say. My plan was to ask him if he was coming to the party tomorrow. Fuck.

"Oscar." Isaac warns and puts his hand on my biceps, but he doesn't shove me away or anything. His hand is just resting on my flesh and I swear to fucking god, if he had moved a few inches down he would have felt my raging heart. The very same heart that has been running havoc since the moment I laid eyes on that boy.

"Isaac." I breath. I don't remember the last time I felt this way around him. I mean Sunday was interesting, but I feel different today. I feel all those raw emotions crashing down on me. But there is also that tormenting feeling of anxiety. I can't explain it, but the silence is killing me right now.

"I don't know what to do." I say honestly. Maybe I just lost every last ounce of respect with him but I am at my limits. I feel cornered and slowly lose control of the situation. He is so irritating, in one moment we kiss and the next moment we throw punches at each other. But we already agreed to just label it as "us", so why do I still feel this way.

The boy slices right through my raging mind by leaning into me. He closes the small gap between us by pressing his lips on the side of my face - the sensitive flesh of his lips touches the rough stubble carefully. As quickly as the sudden pleasure appears, it disappears, disappointing me. I want to protest, but the boy opens his mouth again.

"See you tomorrow, darling." What? Oh, the party. Wait, when did he dress himself? Am I that oblivious around him?

I take a last look at his ass as Isaac exits the locker room. Is he blushing? Wait, am I blushing?



My eyes dart towards the small door as I hear the familiar noise of the rusty bell, indicating a new customer. Yeah, you guessed it - I am working yet again. I asked Ming if I could take her shift for today since I can't really concentrate lately.

I did really say that, didn't I? See you tomorrow, darling.

And I kissed him on the cheek. What if he didn't want that back in the locker today. We are still not on friendly terms, but we are not enemies that is for sure. I sigh deeply.

Everything is so frustrating when it comes to him. I love to be around him but I also look forward to some time without that boy at the same time. It feels like my heart and my head are not functioning together. My heart wants to literally devour every last atom of the boy, but my head protests against the idea of me and Oscar together. Do you get what I mean?

Even if I give us a try, I know that someday everything will come crashing down on us - the weight of it all crushing us once and for all. No one should have to endure any of this, not even him. And therefore, we need to settle this, us.

In addition to that, the upcoming party at Jess's is not helping with my anxiety, because I promised the black-haired boy to make an appearance. I even told him to come, so I have to show up at this point. I am completely screwed.

Suddenly an idea pops into my head - let me explain:

First, I meet Zoe and Toby at the party, they are probably devouring each other.

Secondly, I greet the boys and make myself visible to Oscar, so that he knows I am a man of my words.

Thirdly, I drink. A lot.

And lastly, I get myself laid and hopefully block out every ounce of Oscar Thompson at least for one night. I smile proudly. That is a great plan, Isaac Anderson, you motherfucker.

As I replay this masterwork of a plan in my head again, my smile grows even wider. Filled with new hope and anticipation I shift my attention back to unpacking instant noodles.

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