Chapter 17

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I park the car in front of the little Italian restaurant that I am sure, is Zoe's favorite. Chances are high her date took her out to her favorite restaurant, at least that is what I would do. She messaged me before that the date went shit and the boy is far too conceited, only talking about his fancy start-up. Zoe and her luck with boys, I sigh.

Minutes pass and then the door to the restaurant opens, revealing a pissed-off Zoe and a nonchalant looking boy, I assume is her date. He is attractive, sharp jawline and everything but he also looks like the biggest asshole, I don't know how I should explain it.

As Zoe sees my car she storms off towards me, not looking back once. But her date doesn't really seem to care. Bastard.

"Hey." I try to cheer her up a little.

"Just drive." She says dryly.

Without answering her I press down on the gas, exiting the parking space in front of the restaurant.

After a few minutes of driving, we eventually reach her house. I kind of expected her to just leave without saying anything but she doesn't. Her head hangs low, both of her hands in her lap - she looks depressed. I sigh as I shift the car into park.

"I-" I start but she silences me by looking in my direction. She doesn't say anything but she doesn't really have to. I know when to shut up. We stare at each other, silent music from my radio playing in the background. She still manages to look stunning, even though her night went shit. In contrast, I probably look like a mess, I mean I showered and all but still, the match today really drained me.

Suddenly, the girl in front of me starts whimpering. Silent sobs can be heard, before the first tear runs down her cheek. Oh no.

She raises her hands to rub her now swollen eyes. I'm blown away by the scene in front of me, the last time this girl cried was in second grade when someone literally broke her shoulder. I suddenly remember how, after the accident, I attacked the poor boy, I think I broke his nose or something in return. I got detention but it was totally worth it. Served that fucker right, I smile.

Without wasting any more time, I lean over the center console of the car and hug Zoe in a tight grip. She reacts straight away, resting her head on my shoulder, which makes me smile. Most of the time Zoe and I argue about some stupid bullshit but right now, in this moment, we are civil with each other.

"He looked like a conceited asshole anyway." I whisper. A small laughter escapes her lips, yes, mission accomplished, I think to myself.

"You could do better." I say without thinking. Shit. I shouldn't have said that. Cursing my loose mouth. First, she acts surprised but the girl quickly recovers.

"So could you." Her voice causing my heart to jump up and down. Did I just imagine that? No, she actually said that.

Surprised by her sudden confession, I move back a little. My eyes instantly locking with hers. A slight blush is evident on her face, but before anything else can happen, the door of her house opens, revealing Zoe's mom, smiling at us. She probably recognized my car lights in the window. Crap, I should have turned the car off.

"See you Monday." She quickly says before exiting my car. I just smile stupidly at her. Fuck, Toby get a hold of yourself, say something.

"Goodnight." I half shout before she closes the car door, a kind smile evident on her face. Minutes later I shift back into drive and make my way home. I smile during the whole way home, my heart still beating abnormally fast. I might need to take a second, way colder shower when I get home.



I close the door behind me, as I enter the house. I let out a heavy sigh before I lean back against the cold wood of the door. What was that?

"Zoe?" My mom's voice echoes through the hallway. I really hope she didn't see anything back then. Not wanting to keep my mom waiting, I answer instantly.

"Here, just a second." I say as I put my shoes in the shoe rack. A moment later I make my way towards the kitchen. My mom is sitting at the table with a mug in her hand, probably some lemon tea as that is her favorite one. Weird, I know.

"So, how did it go?" She asks, her voice excited yet also tired. I can't blame her, it is 11pm right now.

"It was alright." I shrug, with "it" I don't mean the date but rather what happened afterwards. My brain drifting back to the car - Toby and Isaac really have a special place in my heart, but Toby and I are always picking fights, therefore, I am pretty overwhelmed that we were actually able to have a kind of civil conversation.

But what did he mean back in the car, how can I do better? And how can he do better? Shit, I really said that.

"Zoe." The women must have noticed that I am deep in thought, therefore, she stands up a second later and leaves the room with a tiny smile on her face. I keep standing in the now dark room, my mind is blurred. Did anything change between us because of our interaction?

I mean we were just talking like normal friends, right? And normal friends make flirty remarks and stupid conversation, but deep inside of me, I know that that was something else. For the both of us, but I certainly don't know what that was. I sigh yet again.

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