Chapter 27

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To say that the air between Zoe and Toby is sparked is an understatement. They haven't looked at each other once since we entered the cafeteria half an hour ago. Neither Zoe nor Toby take the initiative of talking or opening a conversation. I really tried to get at least one of them to talk with me and I don't mean simple 'yes' and 'no'.

Haaaaaaa, I want my friends back.

"I have to go." Zoe exclaims dryly. "Homework." She reasons while flashing me a sad smile.

"Ok, see you later." I say, Toby is quiet not even looking at her.

As the girl leaves our field of vision, I turn towards my best friend.

"Did you go silent over night?" I question in a funny tone.

"It is just weird man. Get off my balls." He probably figured out by now that Zoe told me about their little interaction in the car. Zoe has never been able to shut her mouth, a trait I learned to love over the years.

"Yeah, I figured." I smack his shoulder and stand up.

"Let's go. Mr. Smith is probably early today." I sigh, two hours of math before practice is not fun. He just smiles and follows me out of the cafeteria.


I pant heavily as I sit down on the wooden bench. Practice was tough today with the late summer heat, I probably inhaled around twenty bugs while running. Shit. Ah right, the fair.

"Guys, listen." The voice of Coach booming through the locker room, silencing everyone.

"Our donation fair is on Sunday and we are expected to make an appearance as a team. Absence is no option. Yes, I am looking at you Taylor. Missing students will be punished." She states.

Nobody dares to question her authority. I am pretty sure threatening students is not allowed but I would be damned if I told her that. What that women says is law.

I suddenly remember that one incident, years ago. I was a freshman back then, the boy, Archer, I think, contradicted Coach. He had to run laps everyday after practice for the rest of the year. And again, I am pretty sure that coercing a student after class is against every law.

"DON'T FUCK IT UP!" Her voice once again booming through the crowded room before she turns around and leaves the changing room again. Wow.

"Guys, listen. We have tomorrow to prepare, where should we meet?" A boy I recognize as Landon, says. He is a senior too and also part of the student council. He is good a planning I guess, so I let him take the lead.

"Not mine. My dog has diarrhea." Zack exclaims fast. As far as I know he doesn't even have a dog. Fucker. But I get it, the last time Zack invited people to his home was when he threw that party and let's just say things got out of hand. According to Toby, a freshman threw up in some golden vase of his mom that was pretty precious. Oh and the other vase broke.

After going through a round of people making up some stupid excuse to why their place is not ideal to plan the fair, a familiar voice suddenly interrupts.

"My place is fine." Oscar states defeated which surprises me. He has never been one to invite other people to his place.

We conclude that we don't need the whole team to organize the stand and therefore only me, Toby, Landon, Zack, Oscar and his ginger friend Aaron or whatever, decide to meet at Oscar's place tomorrow.


Today is Saturday and I am currently driving to Toby's house to pick him up. After collecting my best friend, we decide to stop and buy some coffee for the guys as it is pretty early for a Saturday.

We arrive minutes later at Oscars house, a few cars are already parked in front of the house. I park mine a little offside, you never know. We reach the front porch and Toby knocks on the door.

"Oh hey." Landon opens the door with an inviting grin and motions us to enter. He looks pretty awake, I must say.

"Mornin." I say, Toby doesn't say anything, his mind is probably still sleeping. Since I met him he has always been more of a comfortable type. On normal weekends, my best friend never wakes up before 11am which could be blamed on him binge watching some stupid marvel movie for the whole night.

We follow Landon through the house to what seems like the garage. No sign of Oscar's car, he probably parked it somewhere else, afraid that someone damages his precious baby. I start smiling.

"Stop smiling, idiot." Oscar's voice greeting me as I enter the garage. What is his problem.

"Oh no, princess is sour. Is it too early for it's majesty?" I counter in a mocking tone. Toby just rolls his eyes and joins Zack and ginger on the floor, they are currently in the middle of painting some huge poster.

The black-haired boy clenches his jaw and is now standing in front of me. Since I am still holding the coffees I decide to ignore the boy and sidestep him. He looks surprised as I make the move, but doesn't react.

"Is that what I think it is?" Zack exclaims dramatically, his eyes are filled with a strange glow.

"I love you man." Landon says as I pass him his cup. I smile.

I continue to hand everyone a coffee, even the ginger friend of Oscar, who takes it without any reaction. Shithead, but I decide to drop the matter. Now I am left with two coffees, one for me and one for him. Oscar, who hasn't moved since our little interaction, still standing in the center of the room.

I turn around, we immediately lock eyes. Has he been watching me the whole time? Nobody seems to realize our staring battle, since they are all working on something right now. I notice his appearance today, he looks go- okay.

Grey sweatpants and a tight black shirt that accentuates his muscles well. He suddenly closes the distance between us again, stopping only a few inches in front of me.

"Stop staring." He whispers, a smirk plastered on his face. In a swift motion he takes one of the coffees out of my hand, making sure that our fingers touch. Fucker.

"Thanks. Babe." He whispers again before sitting down next to his red-haired friend. Now I am the one dumb-founded. What was that?

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